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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on October 29, 2005, 03:08:19 pm

Title: Final Grenadier task: attack on the undead
Post by: Vince Valentine on October 29, 2005, 03:08:19 pm
Attending Guardsmen

Erik arkay                  Genadier Corporal
Valiro                         Scout Sergeant
John dell                    Junior Guardsman
Vince Valentine          Junior Guardsman (leading)
Olchafa Serperent     Watchman

This was te be me final task to prove i 'ad wha' it took te wear th' bronze arms o' th' grenadiers.
After briefin' th' men, we 'eaded ou' t'wards th' moongate.
Sergeant Valiro had bravely offered his services te scout th' crypts o' th' undead, an' we were te meet him at th' moongate.
Once 'e 'ad informed us o' th' situation, we began our march towards the crypts.
We knew we were close as th' smell o' rottin' flesh 'it our noses.
As we approached th' entrance, a lone deadie appeared, Hissin' at us!
We stated our buisness, and set abou' takin' 'im down! Before we could finish 'im, 'e ran off inte th' woods and 'id.
We decided tha' 'e could wait until we'd torched th' crypts, and entered.
Once we 'ad secured th' buildin' we examined an altar o' some kind on th' upper floors. Corporal Arkay then showed us what a flamin' potion coul' do!
As th' room filled wit' smoke, we made our way outside te secure our position with a sentry. Once we were satisfied tha' it were safe, we set about returnin' te th' barracks. Suddenly, a foul Undead appeared, swipin' Corporal Arkays bow!!
We soon turned 'im te a pile o' bones, and recovered th' stolen weapon.

Wit' th' undead taught a lesson, we eaded 'ome fer an 'ard earned ale!

                      Vince Valentine
                    Junior Guardsman