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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Banedon on October 30, 2005, 03:39:49 pm

Title: Union Work - More Resource Gathering
Post by: Banedon on October 30, 2005, 03:39:49 pm
* Saddened by the lack of initial interest, Banedon only hopes his example will spur the Covian Civilians into action. Despite his arms and back aching, Banedon writes his report. *

Miss Izzy,

Let me first state my regret in the fact that your newly founded Crafters Union, would seem to 'ave met wi' some resistance, either em buggers just aint readin em' flyers we bin leavin' or they simply don' want work.

Despite this little problem, I 'ave continued to lead by example, and 'ave been over to Yelinda at the Crafters Union, and found out what she is needin',  then I set out again gathering more stock for the Union.
Once again, after a ruddy long days trekkin' and wit' a little 'elp from Draco next door, who made me a magical rune, I managed to go back to tha' same place I wus at a few days ago. Turns out it wus YEW i 'ad found, no ruddy wonder I got lost there, I aint been before. As fer Draco, the sarcastic git ribbed me about tha' all day, I can tell ya.

Anyway Miss, the followin stocks 'ave been delivered to the Union stockpile,  p'raps in due course, they'll be sold or traded fer resources we dont have in stock. You want me to 'ave a word with young Smedley??


Resources Issued to Yelinda:

15,000 Normal Logs
50 wool

Governer of Altmere.