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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Danichta on October 31, 2005, 10:27:05 pm

Title: Report: Failed Pilgrimage [By Swinsweg]
Post by: Danichta on October 31, 2005, 10:27:05 pm
Report by Swinsweg Palmer

Odenetheus - Leader
Erik Arkay
Raiden Morana
Swinsweg Palmer

The Father wished for us Guards to go on a long pilgrimage to the Shrine of Sacrifice (how ironic this would turn out to be!). Having little choice, and never having seen it before myself, we headed out. We smote a few sewer rats on the way, but Father Odenetheus got quite excited when we came across a foul Priest of Mondain. We slew him in goodly fashion as well. The un-Avatarian Priest had a good amount of coins on him, which we quickly scooped up for extra tithe upon our arrival at the Shrine.

Along the way, Erik had the cunning plan to take off his boots. The blighter! Anyway, we were forced to march the rest of the way to Vesper not only with no hats on, but BAREFOOT, thank you very much, which Father Odenetheus took much too pleasure in our pained groaning in my humble opinion!

My sore feet were the least of the Company's problems as it would turn out. We arrived in fashionable time to Vesper and walked her comely streets, past a crowd of natives, and attempted to cross the next bridge. And if I thought her cobblestone streets were painful, Vesper's citizens were even more so! They threatened us, belittled us, wore the most hideous color schemes, and generally were not nearly as pleasant as any common Covian.

Father Odentheus attempted to make good with the rude folk of Vesper only to be treated with the most disrespect I have seen any person give a figure of the Church! We had immediately disarmed ourselves upon the Father's command once we were surrounded on the bridge. One of the Vesperians took it upon himself to lunge upon our Churchman in a split second, and in the next split second, it was all over!!

We ALL fell to Vesper weapons!

We collected our boots, our pride and ourselves and limped back to the crosswords 'tween Cove and befouled Vesper. We thought we heard a commotion behind us through the woods as we reached peaceful Cove, and were beside ourselves wondering what to do at the great slight that had been dealt us by the roguish Vesperians.

We needn't ponder a solution long before, 'lo, the Avatar did smile upon us beleagued Covians, for a troupe from Trinsic showed upon the Barrack stairs and bid us quite the warm welcome. Dressed in fine silver and blue, the men told us that THEY had dispatched the Vesperian forces! HUZZAH!

Not only that, but they invited us kindly to a wonderful sounding market in Trinsic, to be held on the second day of November at 8 o'the'clock.