Title: Report: Cleansing Covetous Post by: Henrich Beaufort on November 03, 2005, 05:55:56 pm *A Report written in a shaky hand, with several spelling mistakes, and several paintings*
Those in attendance: * Glen McBrae, Guardsman Recruit (Leading) * Thomas Sendrich, Watchman * Olchafa Serpernt, Watchman * Seamus, Guardsman Recruit * Etherus, Templi Squire So as I looked around in the Barracks and saw several lazy sods sitting on We arrived at the entrance to Covetous, and as I made an attempt to get the troops in line, one ‘Etherus’, Templi Squire, disobeyed my orders. Apparently one of the Church need not follow one of the Militia’s Commands… (http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/3671/covetoushunt15wn.png) Etherus being a nuisance. So, after some (http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/4034/covetoushunt36qw.png) The order to attack. Through the Mountain we went, battling Harpies and Corpsers and Gazers alike. Beat them back we did, of course; no match for Covians were they. (http://img275.imageshack.us/img275/4215/covetoushunt26ks.png) Like lambs to the slaughter. We had collected a grand total of 10,143 crowns. To the remaining Guardsmen – Watchman Sendrich and Recruit Seamus – I gave 2,000 crowns as a reward for a job well done. The remaining 6,143 I have left at the Barracks, on the Commander’s desk. For Cove! *Signed* Glen McBrae, Guardsman Recruit ~ Title: Re: Report: Cleansing Covetous Post by: Gregor Eason on November 05, 2005, 12:56:19 am Superb job, chaps; and an excellent report, McBrae.
Keep it up. Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |