Title: Report: Patrol of the Orc Fort - 2nd November Post by: Garak Nightchill on November 03, 2005, 07:38:16 pm After returning to Cove from Trinsic, Junior Guardsman Raiden Morana organised a patrol to the orc fort. With us was a new Recruit, Don Vito. (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/orc.jpg) We marched to the fort, fought our way in and slaughtered all the orcs we found. We then turned back and found ourselves facing a Brute! Ordered to Form, we did just that and with an excellent display of teamwork whilst fighting the brute and the other orcs that joined it, we slew the Brute and all it's allies. My training earlier that day had clearly had a positive effect. Recruit Vito kept his head and followed orders. With the Brute slain, we fought our way outside the fort and marched back to Cove where we were dismissed. Present: Raiden Morana, Junior Guardsman Vince Valentine, Junior Guardsman Roland Dagorian, Watchman Hoagie, Watchman Don Vito, Guardsman Recruit Signed, Roland Dagorian Watchman Title: Re: Report: Patrol of the Orc Fort - 2nd November Post by: Raiden Morana on November 03, 2005, 08:04:27 pm *Raiden examines the report*
A fine report indeed Roland, keep up the good work Watchman! *signed* Raiden Morana, Junior Guardsman. |