Title: The Pentagram Post by: Drachir on November 04, 2005, 05:39:52 pm Hmm..i have seen this derelict building many a time..with the strange pentagram in the middle, but I've never seen anyone using it...until about 16 hours ago..And who was using it I hear you say? Of course it was the infamous Undead.
Your Mission Your mission is to set up a camp close to the ruins, and monitor them for a couple of days (up to an hour real time). I want you to check for any undead activity, and if there is any, I want sketches and notes on it! Will -you- be brave enough to face the Undead? Rules Must have at least 3 guardsmen camping at all times. Must bring basic provisions (food, water, fort equiptment) Must camp the site for no less than 1/2 a day (15 minutes real time) [OOC Info.] This can be a BoC only duty, but would be quite fun if you get some Undead involved..but that's up to you! Good luck! Title: Re: Militia Duties: The Pentagram.. Post by: Delcarakdur on November 28, 2005, 09:40:18 am *posts a notice regarding this on the events part of the militia boards*
Title: Re: The Pentagram Post by: Delcarakdur on December 19, 2005, 10:17:44 am THE PENTAGRAM
When: The 10th December at 2000 GMT Where: Rally point at Vesper barracks. Sentry established at the Vesper ruins near the Cove-Vesper Border Guardsmen in attendance: - Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman (leading) - Althalus, Senior Guardsman - Kas Soulshadow, Watchman - Rupert Ridir, Watchman - Constantius, Guardsman Recruit (?) - Judas Debieau, Junior Guardsman - Several others, I don't remember at the moment. They will be added when they notify me on this board or over pigeon. What: As the militia duty read that the ruins near the border had been the site of several mystical events recently, I thought that establishing a fortified sentry at the site would be a good idea. Recent undead attacks on cove made me think that the undead might be using the site for their nefarious plots and plans. Marching towards the site with the assembled guards, I knew we had the requiered equipment and supplies. Each guardsman had ten crates and I had a special dark brown "food crate" which held all our supplies, enough for a couple of days. Even so, our mage Kas, could replendish out supplies by magical tricks. The first part of our mission was uneventful. Nothing happened as we fortified the ruins and put out guards in all directions. But suddenly the pentagram began to give aways some strange magical "things", I don't really know what this was. It occured several times, and Watchman Rupert Ridir then got the good idea to make a sort of "holy" diagram around the pentagram. I didn't see why he shouldn't even though if a demon was to be summoned at the site, it would probably have laughed itself to death rather than have been banished by some holiness. Considering the mission done after having held the sentry for a whole day, we made the fortification impossible to use by partially dismantling them, then we began marching back to Cove. Mission accomplished! FOR COVE! *signed* Junior Guardsman Delcarakdur [ARG! My pics have been deleted! ARG!] Title: Re: The Pentagram Post by: Delcarakdur on January 09, 2006, 10:02:08 am [OOC: I believe this ought to be moved to the completed Thread?]