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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 05, 2005, 06:07:02 pm

Title: The old ICQ list
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 05, 2005, 06:07:02 pm

Gregor Eason   69-723-945
Erik Arkay   21261314
Valiro   261-196-312
Grief Dryfh Gry   119-690-365
Vince Valentine   313-680-882
Drachir   271-104-323
Kal Shadowhand   347-719-700
Joey Lanai   177-280-965
Shadwell   61-224-964
Octiovus   284-429-275

Hoagie   236-058-634
Rupert Ridir   125-896-432
Leloo   297-200-962
Olchafa Serpernt   290-184-443
Khaelieth   190-424-954
Armand D'orleon   7-258-296
Fabien   210-775-603
Ben Radau   16-668-006
Raiden Morana   205-754-768
Talpa Europaea   44-032-056
Jessica   345-345-654
Jamege   96-860-693
Constantius   312-631-646
James   221-428-143
Kas Valentine   60-614-085
Althalus   86-994-883
Anari   349-689-614
Delcarakdur   249-129-246
Jenifer Feather   219-483-105
Liana Weddenbell   214-178-335
Rocco Cesareo   261-136-302
Judas Deibeau   324-374-068
Thomas Sendrich   234-657-905
Seamus   231-561-910
Cor'Air'Ta   347-719-700
Dellamona   234-760-028
Garak Nightchill   97-154-187
Kasei Senshi   150-122-488
Jade   149-335-489
Kurt   260-088-194
Caelan   323-401-243
Marie Le Blanc   151-638-627
Akira   41-707-450
Ronin Tirado   249-015-606
Ras Al'Durron   73-863-736
Malith   336-255-861
Jevonia   295-508-989
Urocus   122-413-685
Calico Kate   294-202-086
Trisha Shureshot   193-704-347
Bearon   212-590-659
Gord Blackwell   81-910-705
Liana Weddenbell   214-178-335
Edmund Rufus   253-039-131
Aeron   105-359-067
Tina/Mela 283-033-984
Conner Roberts 316-659-514
Darath Mithar 125-335-247
Jack Sinist 203911891

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on December 21, 2005, 08:32:35 pm

Please note that completing your list will give you a much better view on who's around if you want to organise an event.

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: John Dell on January 18, 2006, 08:57:30 am
Jack Sinist 203911891

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Kal/Mathew on January 22, 2006, 02:45:18 pm
Jyel Russ needs to be added please.


Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Arma Renox on January 29, 2006, 03:59:42 pm
Urocus needs to be changed to Geit Arma please

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Laurina on February 28, 2006, 01:35:10 am
Mine wants throwing on the list somewhere :) 213-269-600

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Dalamar on February 28, 2006, 06:41:36 am
You can add me too  ;) 238-877-122

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Gregor Eason on March 01, 2006, 11:21:53 pm
Actually, the ICQ List was never my business.
But well done, Delc! Ye just volunteered for the job! ;)

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: John Dell on March 01, 2006, 11:26:57 pm

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Khaelieth on March 02, 2006, 01:19:01 pm
Ain't it Salidin?

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Kal/Mathew on March 07, 2006, 04:32:16 pm
Guardsman Recruit: Lucia Bloodbane

Should be added please

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Tara Tenebrae on March 07, 2006, 08:38:12 pm
Solider - Lithos: 197-904-568

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Jonas Ancroft on March 09, 2006, 06:48:06 pm
It's Jonas AncroFt, damnit! :-[

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Kal/Mathew on March 14, 2006, 10:54:40 pm
Need to add Perun - 205-754-768

Added to the Guild on the date 14/03/06

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Kyte on March 22, 2006, 03:56:16 am
You need to add me! 231-241-335



Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Delcarakdur on March 22, 2006, 07:55:24 am

Gregor Eason   69-723-945 AGM
Erik Arkay   21-261-314 AGM
Valiro   261-196-312
Grief Dryfh Gry   119-690-365
Vince Valentine   313-680-882
Kal Shadowhand   347-719-700
Joey Lanai   177-280-965
Shadwell   61-224-964
Octiovus   284-429-275 GM
Delcarakdur   249-129-246
Hrothgar/Raziel   292-708-749
Ysabelle (Izzy)   96-381-929

Jade   149-335-489
Melody Summer   326-653-559   Citizen (Child)
Laurina   215-269-600   Citizen
Wol Tarren   199-297-956   Citizen

Hoagie   236-058-634
Rupert Ridir   125-896-432
Leloo    297-200-962
Olchafa Serpernt   290-184-443
Armand D'orleon    7-258-296
Fabien   210-775-603
Ben Radau   16-668-006
Raiden Morana   205-754-768
Talpa Europaea   44-032-056
Jamege   96-860-693
Constantius   312-631-646
Kas Valentine   60-614-085
Anari   349-689-614
Jenifer Feather   219-483-105
Liana Weddenbell   214-178-335
Rocco Cesareo   261-136-302
Judas Deibeau   324-374-068 (Inactive?!)
Thomas Sendrich   234-657-905
Seamus   231-561-910
Cor'Air'Ta   347-719-700
Garak Nightchill    97-154-187
Kasei Senshi   150-122-488
Kurt   260-088-194
Caelan   323-401-243
Marie Le Blanc   151-638-627
Ras Al'Durron   73-863-736
Malith   336-255-861
Jevonia   295-508-989
Geit Arma   122-413-685
Calico Kate   294-202-086
Bearon   212-590-659
Gord Blackwell   81-910-705
Liana Weddenbell   214-178-335
Edmund Rufus   253-039-131
Aeron   105-359-067
Conner Roberts   316-659-514
Darath Mithar   125-335-247
Jack Sinist   203-911-891
Volo R   53-868-009
Konrad Arflane   102-828
Dylan Freewater   Alternative character of Jenifer Feather
Ruby Harris   Alternative character of Izzy
Maica Denman   226-936-226
Catherine   192-579-621
Amiel Stonehand   216503868
Numbius Matien   344890531
Rohan Eldrich   149-221-270
Cadaen Denweir   83-811-214
Regdar   219-499-625
Yue Yan   299-705-588
Toshigatsu   13-102-486
Kervos Swordhand   AOL Screen Name   thomass159951 To add, just go to Add > AOL Screen Name..
Magnus Wulfgar   233-366-997
Adrian Starspan   121-448-621
Salidin   138-814-296
Leon   198-510-079
Jonas Ancroft   279-131-517
Calvain Demure   274-783-012
Max O'Munpain   275-336-721
Samson Wolfe   62-032-510
Lithos  197-904-568
Lucia Bloodbane   262-614-235
Dragaer   113-565-490
Larath   285-528-070
Pia   Alternative Character of Laurina
Lothar Darkfel   285-292-387
Elise   Alternative character of Laurina/Pia
Perun   205-754-768
Nicholi Raventhorn   274-634-356
Vlad   340-053-122

Joseph   151-700-105   Templi Squire
Roland De Rat/Guy De Savant (Zealot)   254-552-626

This Should be the complete list, but as always I might have let someone out of it or whatnot. Instead of posting any comments here, Contact me on this ICQ instead: 249-129-246

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Delcarakdur on March 22, 2006, 07:57:22 am
List updated the 22nd March 2006 at 08:43 GMT

Recently added:
Perun   205-754-768
Kyte   231-241-335

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Salidin on March 22, 2006, 07:13:23 pm
Mine is 138-814-296

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on March 23, 2006, 01:03:38 pm
I dun think yer ever got mine on there...

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Laurina on April 19, 2006, 11:50:35 pm
Mine is actually posted wrong, and has been for a while. Doesn't matter anyway, cos it needs to come off the list.

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Delcarakdur on April 20, 2006, 02:27:33 pm
This hasn't been updated in a Loong time :-[

Someone else should take this task up, and continue updating this. This is a time where you lower ranks can show some initiative.


Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: userjosh5368 on April 21, 2006, 12:55:18 pm
Hey is Vlad my new icq is 340-053-122

Title: Re: New and Improved ICQ list!
Post by: Delcarakdur on April 21, 2006, 09:24:57 pm
*List updated*

The 21st April 2006 at 22:08 GMT

This is my last update to this list. Why? Simply because I ain't a member of BoC anymore. And it's time to give this task to someone else.
