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In Character Boards => Character Profiles => Topic started by: Imagawa Takamori on January 31, 2005, 10:41:03 pm

Title: Imagawa Takamori
Post by: Imagawa Takamori on January 31, 2005, 10:41:03 pm
Name: Imagawa Takamori
Age: 34
Height: 5'5"

Imagawa Takamori was born in the town of Iwate to a Samurai and a Trader. He was raised in both paths, but mainly travelled around Britannia with his mother (a travelling merchant), paying frequent visits to his father to train as a Samurai. When he was 16, he left to follow his own fortune. He wandered for a couple of years until a chance encounter led him to someone who agreed to be his teacher. Under this sensei, Takeda, he spent many months learning more of the Way of the Warrior.

One night in Winter, Imagawa and Takeda were forced to take refuge in some ruins near the town of Yew. During the night, they were attacked by great black wolves and Takeda was fatally wounded. Takeda told Imagawa to seek out the Kotodama Clan to further his training, and he did so, enrolling in the Dokoro of Nihon.

After a year or so, Imagawa had fought against Orc, Undead and especially the 'Banken' (Guardsmen) of Yew, and began to tire of the constant war and loss. He decided to take up the path of the Akindo and began training.

Months passed into years and Imagawa longed for the road once again. One night, he packed up and began wandering again, hoping to improve his craft further. For four years he roamed the wilderness, until one day he stumbled upon the location of Nihon once again, to find what seemed like no remains of his town. He still seeks news of what happened, but he fears the worst of what happened to the people of Nihon.