Title: Advertising-tour 2005 in vain... Post by: Ben Radau on November 13, 2005, 01:40:35 pm On this quiet sunday I decided to get some new members of our Baronship. After the reappearance of our
So I started my tour in the new dungeon called "The Labyrinth". First I met an unlucky feathered dragon, and I thougt: "Why not, maybe he can tell his boss of better things than dying down here?" (http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/9020/1stcut2kn.jpg) But to be true... I had not much success with that thing. But maybe deeper in there were better chances... First I talked to some simple Minotaurian soldiers, but they are stupid like bulls *sighs*. (http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/1431/firsttry6wl.jpg) So I needed someone with more brain and the ability to convice the simple minds. Fortunately I soon met a Captain of the bulls, so my next vicitim was easy... so I thought... (http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/9966/4thcut4he.jpg) He soon started a discussion with his followers, where I was able to get some informations...those made it easy for me to seek other companions for our Baronship... (http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/5393/5thcut4jt.jpg) Thanks to my peoples rune magic I soon arrived at the secret "Citadel" of the ninjas. I was greeted by a simple fighter, and I tried to use my mental strength to convert him into a noble follower of Cove... (http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/7975/6thcut7eu.jpg) Unfortunately those ninja guys have more brain than (http://img332.imageshack.us/img332/7849/7thcut5up.jpg) After too many those red cloth freaks babbled without listening to me I decided to give up... (http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/515/8thcut4vx.jpg) ... and returned to my small tower... It is hard to get new members for our Baronship ofter the treaty of the Baron itself, but I will get some!! *nods firmly and pins the note on the board* |