Title: 20/11/05 - 17:00 GMT - Fancy Dress Party! Post by: Smedly Herbwood on November 14, 2005, 10:54:39 am Covian Fancy Dress Competition!
When: 17:00 GMT, Sunday 20th November Where: Folk Tale House, Cove Bring: Fancy dress costume, crowns for drink. (http://files.upl.silentwhisper.net/upload1/fancydress.jpg) Wi' all the problems an' troubles that 'ave been befallin' the folk o' Cove an' th'unfortunate absence o' mass, I think its 'bout time we 'ad a party to cheer ourselves up. So this Sunday the Folk Tale House will be hostin' a grand fancy dress competition open to anyone tha' fancies a bit o' a laugh: militia, civilians, even folk from other settlements 'round Sosaria. There ain't no particular theme for th'fancy dress, so ye free t'let ye imaginations round wild wi' ye, an' there be gold prizes an' trophies fer the three folk judged to 'ave the best, most creative costumes. Ye nay need to worry yeselves abou' lookin' like ejits in front o' ye peers either, 'cause drink'll be flowin' into th'wee hours so everyone'll be Fancy an evenin' off gettin' drunk, dressin' up in queer costumes an' havin' a laugh at ye comrades expense? Then the Folk Tale House is th'place t'be this Sunday! *Signed* Smedly Herbwood Title: Re: 20/11/05 - 17:00 GMT - Fancy Dress Party! Post by: Gregor Eason on November 18, 2005, 04:32:05 pm *bump*
T'is fast approaching! Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: 20/11/05 - 17:00 GMT - Fancy Dress Party! Post by: Smedly Herbwood on November 19, 2005, 05:58:41 am Th'fancy dress party be happenin' tomorrow, so if ye still nay got yeselves a costume ye'd better get ye arse in gear! If ye stuck for ideas, send me a pigeon an' I can point ye in the right direction.
(http://files.upl.silentwhisper.net/upload3/fancydressball.jpg) The party coincides nicely wi' th'openin' o' Miss Jessica's tailorshop, who should be able t'provide ye wi' pieces for a costume if ye get ye orders in on time. Jessica Hawkins: "We focus mainly on fine material for production of fine clothes and fancy costumes for any ocassion." If ye lookin' to get anythin' made, give Miss Jessica or her hubby Khaelieth a pigeon note a' th'numbers below. Jessica Hawkins - (345-345-654) Khaelieth - (190-424-954) Title: Re: 20/11/05 - 17:00 GMT - Fancy Dress Party! Post by: Smedly Herbwood on November 21, 2005, 11:23:18 am (http://files.upl.silentwhisper.net/upload4/fd1.jpg)
A big thank ye t'all those tha' came to th'fancy dress party an' made it such fun! It were a bit quiet t'begin wi', bu' as soon as more folk turned up an' thems got some free drinks in 'em, spirits were lifted high an' folk soon forgot tha' there were no mass t'attend this week! Highligt o' th'evenin' were definitely th'impromptu dance-off tha' broke out between two o' the militia officers, Commander Mister Eason an' Cadet Mister Drachir. Mister Eason were definitely in th'lead, wowin' an' wooin' the audience in his skimpy male gigolo outfit an' (http://files.upl.silentwhisper.net/upload4/fd2.jpg) Three prizes were 'anded out fer third, second an' first place costumes, a bronze, silver an' gold jester hat respectively along wi' prizes o' gold. In third place we 'ad Mister Olchafa Serpernt for his fetchin' costume o' a Yewish lass. His face weren't hairy 'nough for a Yewish lass mind, bu' his hairy arms 'n' legs more an' made up for it. (http://files.upl.silentwhisper.net/upload4/fd3-evb.jpg) Second place were awarded t'Mister Delcarakdur for his finely crafted Eastern warrior outfit. (http://files.upl.silentwhisper.net/upload0/fd4.jpg) The covetted first place title were bestowed upon... Mister Vince Valentine for his spot on replica o' a Yewish guard outfit!! He even managed to pull of the persona of a Yewish guard jus' right an' all, 'cause when a brawl broke out in th'bar he were too cowardly t'take part in it!! *Wink* (http://files.upl.silentwhisper.net/upload0/fd5.jpg) Once again, thank ye to all those tha' showed up! : Gregor Eason - Male prostitute Drachir - Lord Rolf L'mao Damas Wulfmaw - Undead orc Olchafa Serpernt - Yew lass Delcarakdur - Samurai Judas Deibeau - Lady in white Vince Valentine - Yewish guard Smedly Herbwood - King's deer Hike Jessica |