Title: Peace Treaty Talks - 7.45pm GMT, Thursday 17/11/05 Post by: Gregor Eason on November 14, 2005, 05:56:33 pm The continuation of the Peace Treaty Talks shall be held at the Covian Town Hall this Thursday.
Covian guardsmen will be required to set up and provide security, particularly with the recent conflicts that have occured in the Baronship lands. In addition, Citizens are welcomed to aid in offering food and refreshments to our humble guests, the Vesperians and the Hospitallers. When: 7.45pm GMT, Thursday ** Meeting Begins: 8pm GMT Where: Town Hall, Cove Bring: Full Combat Gear, Full Uniform, Parade Arm, Drinks, Food, Barricades Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |