Title: A Demand Post by: Gregor Eason on November 19, 2005, 05:37:43 am I want more Junior and Regular Guardsmen chaps!
Nay enough of them around! The promotion requirements are there. Ye know what must be done. And for many of ye I can point ye in the right direction... Reports! The Militia Administration system is well kept, and has an eye on all, so get moving. Nay wait for someone to lead a Patrol, lead it yeself! And then draft a Report on it, eh eh? If ye want the rank, speak to me for more advice on getting promoted. Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: A Demand Post by: Ben Radau on November 19, 2005, 12:52:23 pm Sir, I very politely give that hint, that if you want more watchman or watchdwarves, then promote them... ;D
I volunteer to get promoted first and suggest to spare the rank of a watchman and get straight to the light company as a ... uhm... *thinks* as a Regular Dwarf!! *nods firmly Title: Re: A Demand Post by: Delcarakdur on November 19, 2005, 01:15:32 pm Hard work lad! HARD work...That's the only way...Now do your duties and obey your orders and you should be a watchdwarf in no time.
*signed* Watchman Delcarakdur Title: Re: A Demand Post by: Drachir on November 19, 2005, 03:35:34 pm Aye Watchman Delc. is right! Its taken me....
*checks* Four months to get to where I am today, so you cant just skip it! So get going with the hard work! |