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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Drachir on November 20, 2005, 07:58:12 pm

Title: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 20, 2005, 07:58:12 pm
Ahhhh...the Covian Shire, oh how its prospering at the moment!

(http://img279.imageshack.us/img279/8004/mapofruins4hp.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

In this screenshot, we own virtually every single house/plot in the red area.

This is brilliant, and I think it would be great if all the active members of the guild could have a house of their own in Cove.

So what I am asking, is for all those people without a house in Cove, to leave their 18x18s, Towers and Castles, sell up, and move into your town!
I think we should all make an effort to get all the houses around Cove. You can do it!

(http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/2948/shire18mr.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
I believe you can fit a 7x7 just below my house and right outside the Covian gates.

(http://img279.imageshack.us/img279/4025/shire28dm.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
For someone who has alot of money, I think the owner of this house will sell. But he may not sell for cheap, especially to a BoC member.

Well I hope you will listen to what Im saying, and grab a house in Cove!
Do it for yourself, do it for the Commander, do it for Cove!

Rich (Drachir)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Gregor Eason on November 20, 2005, 09:35:31 pm
I'll keep the castle thanks.


Just kidding. The Cadet speaks the Truth!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Shadwell on November 20, 2005, 10:22:20 pm
Wish I had a house in Cove..
*Whistles innocently*

Anyone wanna buy the barracks? Starting at 9 mill!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Samuel West on November 20, 2005, 10:42:17 pm
I'll Give ye 9k for i'!!!!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 21, 2005, 12:24:17 pm
Damn right!!!

I've been tryin' to get a house in Cove since I joined up!

I don't have a lot of gold but I do have a decent size house to sell/swap!!!!

I have tried to track down the people who own somw of the houses around Cove ... in a polite non-stalking like manner ;)

The guy who owns the great looking L shaped house below Drachir & Erik's places loves it and won't give it up and the same goes for the guy who owns the sandstone workshop outside the city walls  :(

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 21, 2005, 01:18:25 pm
I believe Judas' house is going I.D.O.C so if anyone wants a small 7x7 talk to him about it.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Ben Radau on November 21, 2005, 01:28:12 pm
I am desperately looking for a small tower, maybe in exchange for my one in the woods north of Trinsic...
Iīll take to you ingame....

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Rupert on November 21, 2005, 02:46:20 pm
I'll gladly take any spot anywhere cause I haven't had a house in a few years  :D tried that spot outside the gates but didnt work well at all. *grumbles*

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Smedly Herbwood on November 21, 2005, 03:35:18 pm
Ditto, just headed down there to see what size plot you can place there and wasn't able to place any.  Think the houses behind and in front are just a little too clsoe together.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 21, 2005, 03:42:34 pm
There was a marble house there before....Might have been placed with older rulesets though

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Khaelieth on November 21, 2005, 04:31:11 pm
we should by the big one

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Talpa Europaea on November 21, 2005, 04:34:43 pm
I think that large plot outside the Cove gate (owned by the Witch of Cove?) is the same person that owns the large vendor plot further to the south.  On the notice board he has said he will not sell to BoC members :(

Would gladly swap my 18x18 with him if he was game, not sure how big his plot is.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 21, 2005, 04:51:42 pm
Easy enough....Make a new ICQ number...Tell him you want to buy the 18X18 to grief BoC members if he's got something against us :)

Yes, yes! I know, I'm evil!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Khaelieth on November 21, 2005, 05:30:57 pm
He's a Kaldorian! I swear!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 21, 2005, 05:31:00 pm
Well I FINALLY got round to talk to him on ICQ today, apparently it never was for sale  ??? but im sure we'll persuade him, especially if we've got a swapsies for an 18x18 at the ready!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Khaelieth on November 21, 2005, 05:36:36 pm
right, we just place boxes en masse around his house so he can't get in

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: John Dell on November 21, 2005, 08:07:01 pm
Ill buy the barracks from you shads. *Ponders* Covian bordell...

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 21, 2005, 09:32:50 pm
Im afraid to say, that from the reports that you have be posting and telling me about, it seems as though the space below my house is not a plotable area. From a post of Erik's it may have been plotted during the old plotting rule-set. Sorry for any inconvenience, but keep trying by all means, it would be great to be neighbours with one of my fellow BoCians!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Rupert on November 21, 2005, 10:04:17 pm
I just found a 9x7 plot on the Covian Shire coastline to the south. Har har har, splendid. Rupert has a home besides the tavern floor!  :P

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Ben Radau on November 22, 2005, 10:12:36 am

Me too!! I am now proud owner of the house next to our commanders retirement home on the coast south of COVE! Together with Rupertīs house down there we have to correct the map!!

*scratches his head*

In such a noble neighbourhood.... Do I get promoted automaticaly for that??


Btw: I still have a - now condemned - 7x7-3-story-building in the woods some north of Trinsic on Trammel. If nobody wants it, I try to give it away to someone else... But think: it is better to have a small tower while waiting for a better spot near Cove than putting all the stuff in your bankbox.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 22, 2005, 11:27:09 am
Sell it to a non-BoCian you scurvey-infested dog! Heh...only kidding, but seriously though, sell it on uo-auction or something.

And excellent going with getting the houses! Make me proud!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Banedon on November 22, 2005, 01:46:26 pm
I have recently spoken to the chap who owns the small L shape house outside the city gates. Seems there was a guild within cove before BoC came along, and he was a part of it. Since his guild is gone, and ours took up resisence, he seems to have a particularly strong beef with us.

The guy is clearly a mercenary player, and knows that all of BoC are trying to purchase the house, so he has set his minimum offer at 15 million for the house.
to quote the guy " I get 5 or 6 requests a week from you shits, so clearly you want it bad, so i can afford to set my own price "

Needless to say, I wont be buying it from him.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Shadwell on November 22, 2005, 01:58:29 pm
He can piss off and die :P

But seriously, we should get the sandstone NEXT to the barracks.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 22, 2005, 03:08:54 pm
Yah.....The Sandstone would be worth the money to me

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Ronin Tirado on November 22, 2005, 04:02:22 pm
could do with gettin meself a house in cove currently got a 17x18 in malas with about 20 million worth of stuff would give it all up for a nice house in the shire! Now that's commitment :)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 22, 2005, 06:58:38 pm
But seriously, we should get the sandstone NEXT to the barracks.

Bah! I thought we did own that, seeing as its called 'Cove Retreat'. But yeah, that house would be rather beneficial.

Maybe you should work on grabbing that one Ronin  ;) Im sure 20 mil is enough.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Ronin Tirado on November 24, 2005, 11:37:21 am
Just hate the hassle of moving everything Arghhhh!!!! :-[ But its for cove  :) If one of you guys could try to get me a ICQ num for the sandstone house Ill see what i can do... :)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 24, 2005, 01:33:21 pm
I have recently spoken to the chap who owns the small L shape house outside the city gates. Seems there was a guild within cove before BoC came along, and he was a part of it. Since his guild is gone, and ours took up resisence, he seems to have a particularly strong beef with us.

The guy is clearly a mercenary player, and knows that all of BoC are trying to purchase the house, so he has set his minimum offer at 15 million for the house.
to quote the guy " I get 5 or 6 requests a week from you shits, so clearly you want it bad, so i can afford to set my own price "

Needless to say, I wont be buying it from him.

Bah, what a meany, when I spoke to him he was quite nice, and he was quite helpful with giving me the ICQ of the guy who owns the 'evil place' building. Unfortunately there is no news or reply for that...but Ill keep trying!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Ronin Tirado on November 24, 2005, 01:57:42 pm
Hopefully they have been inactive for 90 days and the building will break down  :)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: John Dell on November 24, 2005, 03:11:08 pm
They wont, you prolly have to wait years before that happens, I know me a chap who hanst been in his house in over 3 years *Grins*

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on November 25, 2005, 10:00:00 am
I am now a resident of the shire  ;D, I got judas's old place

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 25, 2005, 11:19:43 am
Congratulations, tis a shame that Judas is no longer part of the shire though.

Where will ya go Judas ol' pal?

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 25, 2005, 11:46:51 am

Judas leavin' again - he's only just come back!

I so i want a place in Cove!!!

Double Gah!!!!!!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 25, 2005, 11:54:23 am
Ye can sleep in the Lodge! ......all Grenadiers can

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 25, 2005, 11:57:48 am
I have a grand house to sleep in just over the border - I want one in COVE!!!!

Won't the other guardsmen talk if we all sleep in the lodge?

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 25, 2005, 12:18:13 pm
No....We're Grenadiers.....Everyone else is too scared of us to say anything :)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Khaelieth on November 25, 2005, 12:18:57 pm
urgh, the Militia's disgusting!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 25, 2005, 12:23:10 pm
*beats chest*


For the Grenadiers!!!!

*beats chest*

Please god help me get a house in Cove! :)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on November 25, 2005, 12:25:18 pm
You can sleep in the garden of my house...that is on the roof.....*YAY?*

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Shadwell on November 25, 2005, 03:52:52 pm
If someone would start fixxing the damn BARRACKS.
People could sleep there.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Althalus on November 25, 2005, 04:37:04 pm
dont you know the reason the grenadiers all sleep together is so they can try to get out of that armer they are all bolted into ..... they havent managed yet though so they just rattle around in there like tin cans *draws a little picture of a grining face*

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 25, 2005, 05:56:41 pm

Judas leavin' again - he's only just come back!

I so i want a place in Cove!!!

Double Gah!!!!!!

Judas isnt leaving as far as I know, he just got a bigger and better how somewhere. so that one went IDOC.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 25, 2005, 11:09:03 pm




You little beauty!!!


Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Olson on November 27, 2005, 11:49:49 pm
Im sure a plot has come available right outside the gates of Cove

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 28, 2005, 01:16:00 pm
Keep up to date  ;)

If you had made the effort to read the pages of this thread, you would have realised that that plot is/has:

1) Just below my house, so basically everyone knows about it.
2) Been tried by everyone.
3)Was probably plotted using the old ruleset and can no longer be plotted on.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Samuel West on November 28, 2005, 06:11:02 pm
And the owner hates every covian in the world......  >:(

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on November 28, 2005, 06:57:02 pm
No, we're discussing the free (or so it seems) plot just outside Cove Gates.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 14, 2006, 11:36:56 am
There's a free plot just in front of my place. Hew used to have a small workshop there. Snap it up before someone outside of BoC does!!!


Also this place is a little to the south east - could try and contact "Pilsner" to see if he'd let it go?


I have a house placement tool somewhere if anyone needs to borrow it.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Bayne on January 14, 2006, 12:09:12 pm

Woot! Let's try and get the southern coast occupied too! Me and Delc are now neighbours and I know several others along the coast are BoC.

I approached that L shaped owner as a non BoCer and he was still saying 7+ million, rediculous price.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on January 14, 2006, 01:54:13 pm
Not really, I can see where he's coming from, and its very clever.

He's probably been contacted by alot of BoCians, and he knows full well that we'd want to get our hands on it, so he says a huge price, ingenious!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on January 14, 2006, 06:52:55 pm
I am considering selling a load of stuff, should get me about 15-20mil so if it comes down to it, I can afford to pay for that plot.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Arma Renox on January 15, 2006, 12:38:01 am
I am in talks with the L Shaped owner.

I am on friendly terms with him, he doesn't dislike BoC as such, just the fact that they're eating property in Cove *grins*

I am on friendly terms with the guy, am working on him and I believe he will sell to me.

So this is a polite request to try not to hastle him, else he might clam up to me if everyone under the sun is trying to snag it off him -  he's not keen on everyone knowing it's for sale.

So I hope to get my hands on it, for the sake of BoC and Cove, and then return the plot North of the barracks to Joey *smiles*

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on January 15, 2006, 09:19:09 am
Nice work! :)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Ben Radau on January 15, 2006, 09:14:41 pm
maybe someone can put a small house next to my dwarven outpost on the southern coast...
dunno if it fits...

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Arma Renox on January 18, 2006, 02:57:13 pm

Ok, good news and better news. The good news is that the L Shaped outside Cove is mine, or will be within the next day or two. Guaranteed.

The better news is that I will be able to get the Witch of Cove house also. I've been working for weeks getting to know the guys who own them, and they don't like BoC.

I only have room to hold one house. Therefore if some one wants to pay the rather pocket draining 10mil for the plot that will shortly exist in place of the L Shaped, or as close to as you can muster, please let me know.
This will then help me raise the cash needed for the almost trippled price of the Witch of Cove's place.

Shall we own all of Cove? I think we shall :)

ICQ me for details on these weelings and dealings, 122413685

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Jenifer Feather on January 18, 2006, 03:11:33 pm
YAAAR!! great news, if i didnt have a house already i'd pay up... Someone do it... NOW!!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Shadwell on January 18, 2006, 03:39:59 pm
lol! For 10 mill I'd sell the barracks.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on January 18, 2006, 04:11:37 pm
*Kicks Shadwell in the groin*

No you shall not!

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on January 18, 2006, 04:27:14 pm
Although I know that the guy is selling for alot of money, I don't think 10 mil is worth the plot, especially if you're selling it to a Guild Member.

So houses that could be ours soon are :

The L shaped houses plot
Price : 10mil
Contact: Geit Arma


The Barracks
Price : 5 - 10mil (be nice Shaderz :) )
Contact : Shadwell/Felix

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Shadwell on January 18, 2006, 04:59:22 pm
Im not going to sell the barracks you oaf!

Unless someone makes me an offer I cant refuse <_<

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on January 18, 2006, 05:16:47 pm
Don't sell it....you live

Sell it....horrible small gnomes wearing pink strings will come and gnaw at your private parts

How do you like them apples? :)

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Arma Renox on January 19, 2006, 01:06:34 pm
Aye, it is a bit much, but I have it in the bank and I'm willing to spend it in order to wrest it from the hands of the owner and under Covian control!

Like I said, I'm not asking the full price necessarily, if anyone's interested they can offer me what they like and try and come to some sort of arrangement.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 19, 2006, 01:23:57 pm
What happened to the plot - it's no longer L shaped???

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Arma Renox on January 19, 2006, 02:13:00 pm
Aye, I'm gonna make it customised to suit the rest of the BoC "village"

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Bayne on January 19, 2006, 07:39:47 pm
But it being L shaped was the main part of the value I thought?

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Darath Mithar on January 19, 2006, 10:32:44 pm
Can always put it back to an L shape

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Arma Renox on January 20, 2006, 12:10:32 am
Aye. I'm going to hold onto the plot there now, I'm sure people think I've "devalued" it, but it fits the theme of BoC Cove now.

I'm going to try and get the Witch of Cove place, and donate it to Erik as a new place for BoC to be able to RP and include the actual city of Cove.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 20, 2006, 07:57:45 am
I think it's fantastic that we have almost got the whole of Cove's houses owned (or is it pwned :)) by Bocians!!!!!

Plus there is still room (i think) in front of my place/next to Highlanders HQ for a small workshop or something - Hew had one there before moving!

One little question tho - where the hell do you guys get all yer gold from to buy the things!!!!


Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Gregor Eason on January 20, 2006, 09:37:02 am
It is amazing indeed. I remember when we started off with only one plot in Cove. The old Barracks, now the Maktoum College and Library. We won the current Barracks plot in a competition during the Orc occupation of Cove.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Shadwell on January 20, 2006, 09:50:18 am
When BoC started I was a wealthy UO player.

This guild has ruined me! Damn buildings  ;D

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on January 20, 2006, 10:02:38 am
You got a finely crafted pegged leg in return Shaddy ...You're the only guardsman that can claim to run around with a woody the entire time  :-\

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Gregor Eason on January 20, 2006, 12:51:32 pm

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Drachir on January 20, 2006, 02:18:32 pm
My house is for sale!

For 30 mil! ......I kid, I kid, tis free to any BoCian who's commited to making it as 1337 as I did!

ICQ me on : 271-104-323 or PM me!


Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Delcarakdur on January 20, 2006, 03:39:31 pm
100 millions Shaddy?

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on November 04, 2006, 02:23:48 pm
 Just wondering if anyone has an UPDATED picture of the shire.... I bet it's alot bigger than that now.

Title: Re: The Covian Shire!
Post by: Hrothgar on November 06, 2006, 11:17:37 am
Well the area of Cove that holds the player houses is known as the Houshold District, the Shire is the forest between Vesper and Cove.