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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on November 22, 2005, 09:36:41 am

Title: The Final Ingredients
Post by: Vince Valentine on November 22, 2005, 09:36:41 am
Guardsman attending

Talpa Europaea       Guardsman recruit
Rupert Ridir              Guardsman recruit
Olchafa Serpernt      Watchman
Drachir                     Officer Cadet
Vince Valentine         Junior grenadier (leading)

As i waited fer th' guardsman te arrive, me heart was poundin'.
It would nay be an easy mission, bu' we had to succeed! Cove, th' town we love, was dependin' on us.

Our mission was te gather th' last o' th' ingredients needed te produce a cure fer this dreaded plague tha' has gripped our fair town lately. They would nay be easy te get 'old of though, tha' much was clear. Essence of Blood elemental and Heart of a Balron! As i briefed th' guardsmen, i could see nothin' bu' determination an' bravery in their faces, and we started out towards th' moongate. Our destination....a dungeon know simply as 'Blood'.
As we approached th' entrance, we became aware o' some Fay folk floatin' about, which seemed te take a likin' te Recruit Talpa. We fought through th' minions tha' guarded th' entrance, and found ourselves standin' in a dark, foul smelling corridor, smeared in buckets o' blood! We headed down a corridor te our left and were soon face te face with a creature tha' seemed te be made entirely o' blood! This had te be th' Blood elemental tha' we were seekin' so i called the men te FORM! an', wit' lightnin' speed, we soon struck th' beast down.


I quickly collected th' essence an' we backed out slowly, ready te get our final ingredient. We headed back te th' moongate and proceeded te our nex' destination, the famed Shrine of Chaos. As we entered, barely ready, we were surprise attacked by th' very creature tha' we'd come te slay! Th' foul beast uttered a roar tha' could scare th' hair off o' ye arse an' attacked! Unprepared, we stood our ground, only te be beaten back through th' moongate., where we regouped and readied ourselves fer th' battle ahead. As we stepped through and attacked, we finally got th' upper hand and managed te beat the beast back.


After a long an' tirin' battle, we finally struck th' final blow an' sent th' mighty beast back te th' abyss where it belonged. I then carefully cut open it's mighty chest and claimed our prize!


Our mission a success, me fellow guardsmen were hungry fer more, so we stayed a while and managed te slay a few more o' th' ugly sods! Harrrr! That be why we th' finest militia in th' land *beats chest*
Every guardsman on this hunt shoul' give themselves a pat on th' back, they fought magnificently, healed superbly, and showed true covian spirit always, even wit' a Balron breathin' down their neck!

Our mission complete, we 'eaded 'ome, tired but in high spirits. Now tha' we'd gathered th' ingredients, a cure could be made, an' this damned plague wiped ou' fer good!
                               Vince Valentine
                              Junior Grenadier

Title: Re: The Final Ingredients
Post by: Drachir on November 22, 2005, 11:22:59 am
A brilliant hunt Junior Valentine! I found it most exciting! Good show, good show.

Title: Re: The Final Ingredients
Post by: Gregor Eason on November 22, 2005, 01:39:53 pm
Well done, Junior Valentine!
And excellent report.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council