Title: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent - COMPLETED Post by: Gregor Eason on November 22, 2005, 01:55:25 pm Eason muttered as he stared at the vast wreckage that was the Militia Barracks. It had been many days past since the western wing of the legendary Citadel had been levelled, yet few repairs had been made.
With a rueful grin, the Commander began to conjure up thoughts toward seeing the Barracks reinstated to its former glory. Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Addressed to Watchman Olchafa Serpent Greetings Watchman Serpent! Seems ye've been making a name for yeself amidst the guardsmen of the Cove Militia, and thus I feel it time for ye to be receiving your Watchman's Trial. With the recent attack on the Militia Barracks, it has been somewhat a nuisance to have to conduct Training, the Wilderness nay making much of a useful area for combat and so forth. And so I have set ye here some tasks that will aid in the reconstruction of the Barracks, and ensure that the combat effectiveness of the Militia nay strays whilst its stronghold is out of action. Commander Eason Tasks * Organise and Conduct ONE Militia Training Session. * Organise and Coordinate a Mining Operation, to gather fresh ingots for the Barracks repair work. * Lead a Hunt to the Orc Dungeon, gathering rare ore from its midst. Conditions * The Training Session must be at least twenty minutes in length. * Both the Training Session and Hunt must include at least four other guardsmen. * The Mining Operation must be planned with the Citizenship, gathering at least two miners from its ranks. * ALL aspects of this Trial must be well documented with full report in THIS thread. Good luck! Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on November 22, 2005, 09:54:15 pm ARR! Meh trials!!! Ill get right on them SAH!
*Salutes* ANd its serpernt sir i aint no slippy overgrown worm! Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on November 23, 2005, 07:39:52 pm Training session
Led by : Olchafa "Chaffers" Serpernt Attended: Raiden Morana Talpa Europea Hoagie Erik Arkay Marie Le Blanc Kal Shadowhand (http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/5390/untitled5lx.gif) 1. I led a training session to the north of the barracks due to the damage. 2. We started with laps of the Field and push ups yo get the attendants heart pumping! 3/4. We then practices the Melita orders. The response from the group was excellent Following the orders correctly and swiftly. 5. As a healing and defending exercise the group was split into two. One group was orders to defend the VIP (the cut of ribs) wile the other attacked. Both teams defended and attacked very well. We followed this with a "Battle scenario". I wanted to tests skills on an actual battlefield with no hold bared. This was a great success with both teams lasting for a good time before one side sicseeded. 6/7.I ended the training with a free for all fight. I was surprised on how well the group did as a whole. They lasted a good wile before they started to fall. Of course it was no surprise that Erik Won, but as i said everyone fought well and with determination. 8. I dismissed the group and we went on with our militia business FOR COVE! Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on November 25, 2005, 09:41:48 pm Hunt to OCR caves for shadow ore
Led by: Olchafa Serpernt Attended by: Kas Valentine Kal ShadowHAnd Draven Althalus Valiro Garak Nightchill Raiden Morana Rupert Rider Thomas Sendrich Vince Valentine (http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/3733/orchunt2nv.jpg) 1. We had a long trek through yew to the orc caves. As we wet down we were sure to stay clear of stonekeep and any conflict with the yew guard. As we got to the entrance a flurry of orcs jumped down from the trees and ambushed us! Of course we destroyed them with no trouble. 2. We entered the cave ad fought our way through hoards of orc scum. Every single orc that challenged us fell in a bloody splatter to the ground! 3. As we moved deeper into the cave we faced some formidable opponents, The orc brute. As they charged at us we stood strong and with a clatter of sword that all fell one by one. We looted the buggers ad stole all there ore. 4. Once enough orcish blood was split we headed back with our loot. As we were leaving another horde of orc attacked us, but like before all fell to your wrath! 5. I collected the coins and ore and dismissed the men. They fought strong and brave, ad i am proud to say not ONE man was knocked off his feet one ONE! WE collected 465 Shadow ore and 13,000 coins for the coffers. A hefty sum I Put the loot in the box outside the barracks for command to do with as they see fit. FOR COVE!! [OOC]Sorry if i missed your name, there was alot of people[/OOC] Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Raiden Morana on November 25, 2005, 10:47:27 pm *Raiden skims through the report*
Hmmm. It was an enjoyable hunt wi' plenty o' Guardsman! We certainly showed 'em orcs! We did keep clear of Stone Keep, but i did get close enough to the Besiegers Tower to hurl a conflag potion on it and 'av a bit o' a burnin'! Har! *beats chest* For the Grenadiers!!!! *signed* Raiden Morana, Junior Grenadier. Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on November 26, 2005, 10:53:32 pm Mission to gather ingots for the barracks repair
Led by: Olchafa serpernt Attended by: Kas Valentine Hoagie Draven Rupert Rider Kal Shadowhand Erik Arkay Cor'ari Ta Miners: Jessica, Hew 1. We gathered outside the barracks to start our mission. Hew braought along a strange creature that can withstand head and act like a forge! As we got to the covian mine, we were approached by undeads! They ordered us to leave our own mine! 2.I fell quite quickly, due to a number of reasons we were beaten by the undead. Though the miners manages to slip off with no injuries. 3. We headed back to the barracks dis heartend at our loss, and the fact we had Gatherd a small amount of ingots... 4. Jessica and Hew volunteered to go to covetous mountain and Mine some more. Due to there dedication to the repair of the barracks they succeeded in the mission to gather ingots. They came back with over 1300 of em! Jessica is keeping hold of them for now. Comand should ask her for them if they are needed. (http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/6610/mining9eg.jpg) FOR COVE!! Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Olchafa Serpernt on November 26, 2005, 10:53:59 pm I think thats meh trials now done SAH!
*Salutes* Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Althalus on November 27, 2005, 12:31:08 am *a crudly scrawled note with some sketches is attached*
here be the notes on the mining we did around covetous (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/luke.jones823/Ultima/ore1.JPG) (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/luke.jones823/Ultima/ore2.JPG) (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/luke.jones823/Ultima/ore3.JPG) (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/luke.jones823/Ultima/ore4.JPG) *Signed* Hew Phella member of the craftmans union of Cove Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Olchafa Serpent Post by: Gregor Eason on November 28, 2005, 08:20:09 pm Excellent work, Chaffers!
Kas Valentine has returned?? Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |