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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Banedon on November 24, 2005, 10:37:05 am

Title: Buried Treasure ??
Post by: Banedon on November 24, 2005, 10:37:05 am

*Extracts taken from the private journals of the Crafters Union Leader*

22nd Day of the 11 Month

"Staring at these mounting piles of soddin' paperwork, I can but sigh.
Already we be called upon tae supply wood, iron, cloth, food and rare exotic herbs tae all o’ Cove, and em supplies are again running low. Cloth in particular ‘as become an issue.

All the ready cloth ‘as gone, leavin’ cotton ‘n’ wool tae work with, and they are in short supply. We currently only ‘ave one tailor on our books, two if I counts meself, so if we dinnae find some more tailors and cloth soon, or at least the means tae make cloth, we could lose potential contracts.

This will nay do…
Still, Gamblin tomorro' might get to win some supplies...."

23rd Day of the 11th Month

Gamblin' Night
The joys o' 'avin no Churchies tae stop it !

24th Day of the 11th Month

"I find meself looking at this ‘ere map I won last night.
Tha' fella I won it off, wus losing greatly, and offer'd up this map as is payment, claimin' it wud lead to somethin I meself wit' the Union would benefit from. 

Puzzled me 'ow e' knew what I might need, and 'ow 'e knew I was part o' the Union. Still,  the dice were nay friend tae im tha' night, cus e' lost again, and I got 'is map. Poor sod lost it all tha' night, yet still left smilin ?
Despite being sceptical to its true nature, I can nay pass up on it, if it does mark the location of somethin' good, I can nay dismiss it.  Must admit, would be easier tae decide if I actually knew what it contained, afore I make a puddin’ o’ meself, draggin guards and civvies on a fools errand.

Still, if it turns out tae be a valid map, and the Town o’ Cove prospers as a result, would mean a lot o’ prestige for the Union.

Only one thing tae dae, ill ‘ave tae get some fella’s together, and find out....."