Title: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich - COMPLETED Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on November 28, 2005, 02:25:38 pm *Erik sits in the Lodge and puffs on a weedpipe when a knock is heard on the door*
Come in!...Ah! Thomas, sit down. It has come to my attention that you have completed most of your promotional requirements. I expect nothin' less from my apprentices! Here are the tasks I want you to complete for your watchman trial! Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Tasks * * * Lead an expedition deep into the Mountains of Shame. You shall find there a lair called Sanctuary. Word has reached me of this strange refuge for evil Elves. Go there and report your findings! Conditions * The Recruitement parade must consist of atleast 6 guardsmen (in uniform) * You shall leave Recruitement flyers at all moongates and at the most important banks * You shall collect at least 20.000 coins and 1.000 arrows on the hunt to Sanctuary * All tasks shall be accompanied by a fully detailed report tagged along this message Complete these tasks and you will have earned your Covian Cap! Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Gregor Eason on December 01, 2005, 05:46:29 pm *bump*
Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Samuel West on December 03, 2005, 08:54:54 pm Recruitment Parade
Lead: Thomas Sendrich, Watchman (Me) Attended by: Garak Nightchill, Recruit Athalus, Senior Scout Marie Le Blank, Watchman Rupert Ridir, Watchman Rufus Walsch, Recruit Kurt, Junior What Happened: I turned up early ta sor' ou' the uniforms an' everythin' an' had ta wai' qui'e a long time... Late beggers. Anyway... We started by Givin' ou' the badges an' the uniforms. Tha' was done fast an' we started ta do the recruitin'! We ran through Britian an' the surroundin' cities yellin' the woord of the Baronship!! (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/4415/start9qy.jpg) Our Recruitment Begins..... An' our yells were herd Far an' wide!!! As our voices werer caught in the wind!! (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/4595/shouts9jn.jpg) An' we paraded.... (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/7343/recruitment7de.jpg) An' paraded.... (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9933/recruitment21xr.jpg) Paraded... (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/5729/recruitment30cf.jpg) An'.... Well ye ge' the picture. As we shouted ou' our recruitment speaches there were many interested young warrior's an' citizens tha' toke interest... So ye commandin' officers had better be around a lo' ta issue ou' ki' an' badges ta all the young recruiits!!!! Yarr!! Anyway.. After our parade around the cities we headed ta the Moongates ta leave fliers so everyone will hear of The Barronship! (http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/9612/gates6ts.jpg) After tha' we left for the attack on the yewish caravan... I 'ave never worked so hard... Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Drachir on December 03, 2005, 09:48:55 pm Excellent work Watchman! Did that naked man decide to join? 'cause if he did I want to go laugh at him! Bwahaha!
Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Samuel West on December 03, 2005, 10:55:25 pm *Chuckles*
Aye i think is goin' ta Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Gregor Eason on December 04, 2005, 12:37:48 am Excellent start to ye Trials, Watchman Sendrich!
Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Samuel West on December 18, 2005, 11:11:45 pm Hunt to the Ophidian Lair!!!
Attended by: Erik Arkay, Grenadier Sergeant Olchaffer Serpant, Ju.. Jun.. Gah! Junior Fabien, Recruit Talpa Europa, Watchman Rupert Ridir, J.. J... I just can't Kas Valantine, Sod i' i ain' even gonna try Kasei, Merc' Wha' happened: Just after Sergeant Valiro's trainin' session we all lined up ta ge' our cloaks. After tha' we all gathered around.... Kas, an' entered the portal he opened. When we entered we found ourselfs in a big empty house, After looking around a bit we wen' ou' side... Tha' was when we was attached by an army of Ophidians. (http://img342.imageshack.us/img342/5631/uopics00018hg.jpg) They bea' us back the first time an' we re-grouped inside the building... After we was all refreshed we wen't back ou' slowly this time. when we go' ou' we attacked the Ophidian army an' Won!!!! (http://img342.imageshack.us/img342/7047/uopics00045ow.jpg) After we difeated the Ophidians we moved ou' father into the dessert. as we walked sudenly a hord of Ophidians jumped ou' from no where an pushed us back ta the buildin'... Bu' we aventualy destroyed them, an' wen' home! (http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/3664/uopics00124zd.jpg) We lined up an i gave them a quike pep talk abou' how well they did an' a dissmissed them... (http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/7816/uopics00134ht.jpg) Gold collected: 19257 (http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/7208/uopics00153gu.jpg) Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Gregor Eason on December 18, 2005, 11:27:56 pm Good work, Sendrich!
Ye'll be up with those Juniors soon, eh? Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Samuel West on December 19, 2005, 12:02:54 pm I hope... I realy do...
Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on December 21, 2005, 02:58:39 pm Anari Grins as he passes the boards...
Arrr, bou' toime an' all lad ! keep et up eh?! Signed: Anari, Junior Guardsman, Covian Millitia...[/b] Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Samuel West on December 21, 2005, 04:44:36 pm I would be a Junior by now if the vespers would just make a team...
Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Samuel West on December 28, 2005, 07:39:09 pm *Thomas sits down at his desk after a quick trip to the infermary dew to an arrow being imbeded in his leg*
*Grumbles* Hunt to Sanctuary! Lead: Me Thomas Sendrich, Watchman Attending: Anari, Junior Vince, Officer cadet Tina, Recruit Cor'ari ta, Junior scout (First half) Righ'.... I was jus' thinkin' abou' me life when i decided ta finish of this trial.... As my life was borin' me too much... We all lined up outside the barracks an' then we was off...... Bu' no one know the way. So Junior Anari went off to ge' a cousin of his... she wore a dark robe, hoded, an' had an evil cackle.... anyway she opened a ga'e for us an' we wen' in. (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/27/uopics00010xf.jpg) (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/3322/uopics00022tn.jpg) We came ta a mountine pass in the mountines an' when we go' ta the bottom there was a massive ga'e. We opened the ga'e an wen' in... Inside i' was dark an' as we moved farther in... we was attacked! By everythin'... from a Titan ta a cow! (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/1372/uopics00053dz.jpg) Anyway... once we go' past them we walked down some sort of abandoned stree'. Houses lined the stree' bu' they were all molded an' fallin' down... (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/6160/uopics00077mw.jpg) As we worked our way down the stree' we were confronted by some kind of pixie... an' as we approached i' i' fanished, an' left standin' there the mirror image of Anari.... An' then i' attacked us. After a confused battle we afentualy destroyed i' an' carried on, I' was 'ere tha' junior Cor left us. (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/2685/uopics00080mv.jpg) (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/8334/uopics00107xp.jpg) We walked farther in untill we came to an' openin'. as we walked in we was ambushed by many many ratman! All carryin' powerful bows... this is where i go' an arrow in my leg... (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/6683/uopics00133ku.jpg) After killin' many rat creaturesd we moved on... (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/4025/uopics00143jr.jpg) We walked a bi' farther in bu' desided our wounds were ge'in' to grea'... so we turned back an' struggled back through... (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/6638/uopics00157pe.jpg) After wha' felt like ours we go' back an' we was bein' healed an' 'avein' some ho' chocolate... (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/3473/uopics00168ax.jpg) Gold earned: 20102 (http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/7856/uopics00179ip.jpg) Arrows:1071 (http://img326.imageshack.us/img326/1624/uopics00179nr.jpg) I belive i 'ave now finished me trials.... At last. Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich Post by: Gregor Eason on December 29, 2005, 05:24:21 pm Well done, Junior Sendrich!
Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Thomas Sendrich - COMPLETED Post by: Samuel West on December 29, 2005, 05:49:25 pm Yarr!!!!