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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Althalus on November 29, 2005, 04:45:25 pm

Title: The Cleansing of Couvetous
Post by: Althalus on November 29, 2005, 04:45:25 pm
Twas a fine day and as i sat on the steps of the ruined baracks methought wht could be done to improve the situation around cove. well for startes that blasted cave was infested again i thought! SO I called out at the top of my lungs that all might hear "Rally At The Baracks To Cleanse Covetous!"

Soon i had two watchmen eagerly lined up to go on this mission with me, they were Rupert Ridir and Grazgorn.  After a quick check of our kit to make sure we had all we needed and set out for the mountain.  On the way i recived a pigion from Erik Arkay so i sent him one back informing him of our trip and caried on.  Upon ariving i told the men our task and we delved into the caves!


Imidatly the darkness in the caves tried to thought us as great gusts of flam lept into our path but resolutly we pushed forward untill sudenly we found ourselfs facing some of the most horrible looking women bird things you could ever have the missfortune to meet


Anyhow we slew them for there looks alone and were about to proced deeper into the cave system when Erik caught up to us to join our task, after this we met many beasts and slwly proceeded through the caves untill sudenly we saw light ahead.  Rushing towards the brightness and fresh air we stepped out, only to find ourselfs surounded!


"Its an ambush!" yelled Erik and wih that crie we braced our selfs for the long strugle, but it seems the beasts sent against us were frail bone and fell apart with but a soft whack.  "so" we mused" we must be getting close to the masters of this place for them to be so desperate" and with that thought to fule us powered onwards untill we came to some grim looking doors> surly these contained the evil that ruled this place?


We slowly ventured inside and faught a long and grouling battle with the beasts within .... LICH'S!!!!!! with much scrambaling, blood, chaotic swinging of blades we finaly closed the doors behind us the foe vanquished, but at no small lose to ourselfs.  most of our hard earned crowns were left behind those doors to the horror left therein and many pices of armer had been droped in the fury of the battle but triumphant we returned to the baracks and checking our bags it seemed someone had managed to aquiere a small quantinty of pig iron too!


Well done men keep up the good work

*signed* Althalus