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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kiyoshi on November 29, 2005, 09:43:03 pm

Title: Kiyoshis Downward Spiral (Part Ich)
Post by: Kiyoshi on November 29, 2005, 09:43:03 pm
Kiyoshi picked up the quill with his good hand and began scribbling in the strange book he had been given, his mind began to wander to the battle earlier that eve

They had targetted him first, they knew his face from his past battles, his arm had been shatterd and his leg sliced open for a human this would take weeks to heal but for a dunpeal a few days tops, Kiyoshi wonderd if the guards would notice, how fast he healed, how he never seemed ill and the fact he hardly ate.

This was the least of his worries for now though, as he was limping back to his lodgings in kazuos house he had been surrounded by undead creatures, he swang feebly with his walking stick but was overpowerd quickly, "We are nysss here to hurtsss your, Wesssss wantsss to help youssss" and with that the creature had slid a book into kiyoshis backpack, kiyoshi was having none of it and with his last ounce of strength he mutterd an incantation and the creatures skull shatterd with this kiyoshi collapsed on the door of his room.

He awoke several hours later and took out the book, he recognized it from a past encounter it was used by the bone magi he had fought but before he could never understand the words, now they were as clear as day. A master of both living and dead magics thought kiyoshi and he grinned and began studying the book.