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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Gregor Eason on December 01, 2005, 03:58:34 am

Title: Watchman's Trial: Rupert Ridir - COMPLETED
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 01, 2005, 03:58:34 am
"Mrmm.. Ridir seems quite optimistic in the Militia.." Commander Eason took a sip from his legendary hot cup of cocoa and pondered. "What grand tasks could I send this chap on then..."

Watchman's Trial: Rupert Ridir
Addressed to Watchman Rupert Ridir

Greetings Ridir! Good to hear ye are doing well in the Cove Militia. T'is about time we worked at ye getting ye Covian Cap and becoming a Junior Guardsman of this grand outfit. I have here a list of a few tasks that I am sure ye shall find suited to ye skills.
Commander Eason

* Lead Patrols to the Covian Orc Fort, the Covian Graveyard, and the Vesper Graveyard, fetching at least ten thousand gold pieces.
* Just like Watchman Le Blanc, ye will be expected to conduct a full Militia Training Session. Ask ye superiors for tips and pointers!
* Set up a Recruitment Stand in Britain during busy times.

* Patrols must include at least three other guardsmen.
* Training Session must include at least four other guardsmen, and last for a minimum of twenty minutes.
* Recruitment Stand must be manned for at least three guardsmen for twenty minutes, though ye may send out Patrols to keep the chaps interested.

Good luck!

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council

Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Rupert Ridir
Post by: Rupert on December 08, 2005, 12:14:33 am
* Lead Patrols to the Covian Orc Fort, the Covian Graveyard, and the Vesper Graveyard, fetching at least ten thousand gold pieces.

8th December - 2005 - Approx 23 GMT
Time had come to take on my first task, to enter three places and get out victoriously with an enormous sum of gold at my feet. But I was not alone, the following guardsmen stood bravely at my command:

Rupert Ridir - Watchman leader (Thats me by the way)
Vince Valentine - Regular Grenadier
Fabien - Recruit
Nicholi - Recruit
Ben Radau - Recruit


I declared for the brave guardsmen that we were supposed to go to the orc fort, the cove graveyard and the vesper graveyard to earn us a healthy sum, namely 10.000 gold coins. With one or two sighs I ordered the men to arm up and make sure that they all brought enough bagspace for the coming treasures! Then we marched towards our first goal, the orc fort...


I lined the lads up, asking them to stay close and heal at the first sign of blood. And they managed to do it quite nicely I have to say, only a few times they fell during the whole patrol! *grins* Into the fort we went, facing every possible dangers! Small orcs, larger orcs and inhumanly large orcs! We beat them all to dust and cleaned their bags of gold.


It went rather quick in the fort, we moved swiftly in formations, stayed close and healed eachother well. The recruits sometimes ran off (due to the lack of training I assume) but we managed to stick close together quite often. We scrapped together all the money we could get before heading out of the fort, heading to the next place, Cove graveyard.


I lined the lads up outside the graveyard, I had to tell them about the lurking lich who inhabitans this graveyard, without a tremble the lads in the line gripped their weapons tightly and we went into the graveyard. And there it was, the famous lich...of course we happen to be more famous so it went down in a few seconds. Probably Vinces look in his eyes which charmed it or something...Anyway, the graveyard seemed awfully quiet and we soon ended up with no undeads to beat back to their graves so a skirmish was in order.


But ack we could only take so much zombies before almost falling over sleeping on the graves! The bloody skeletons and zombies didn't even dare to step inside the fences, whad'ya say about that?! We brought them fear! We took their treasures and we left without a problem! Onwards to our next target, Vesper Graveyard. We took down any threat along the way which had escaped from Cove Graveyard.


The arrival at the Vesper Graveyard went smooth, only lost three recruits and a grenadier in the forest. Eventually they all found their way back on track to me, strangely all came from different directions so I wonder who they had followed. Maybe the ol' lich had charmed them or something. Nay matter! Another quick lineup to inform what was going to happen, same thing as Cove graveyard but without any lich this time. In we went.


It seemed like our force was either too well equipped or too good for its own good. We hardly had anything to beat up in there! One undead woke up, three got knocked down. Vince decided to check out a nearby hut out of boredom running low on zombies and ghosts to chase back to their graves. Another graveyard secure and the undead now fear the Cove Militia.

Without any further delay, I ordered a forced march back to the barracks. After this "tough" patrol we surely had enough gold to last for an eternity with bathing in ale!


The lads fought bravely, the militia had earned the gold it wanted and I was one step closer to my goal. Dismissed.


Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Rupert Ridir
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 08, 2005, 12:45:13 am
Excellent start to ye Trial, Watchman Ridir!
Well documented and led.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council

Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Rupert Ridir
Post by: Rupert on December 08, 2005, 11:13:44 pm
* Set up a Recruitment Stand in Britain during busy times.

8th December approx 22 GMT
Without a second to waste, the death of the bone deamon from the just done hunt got my hopes up high for a splendid evening. It was time to fetch some fresh young recruits from the horrible town of Britain, and where else but near the main bank would be a better spot? Gah I'm in hell, or even worse, Im in Yew!!

Guardsmen attending:
Rupert Ridir, Watchman (this is me again)
Drachir, Senior Scout
Vince Valentine, Regular Grenadier

After gathering up the necessary equipment, namely, some tables and some backup tables incase they would be trampled down by hungry recruits. Lots of colored cloths to symbolise the great power of the Baronship and last but not least, the oh so important recruitment fliers which contained information about where and how to get in touch with us.


We decided to set up the stand near the southern guardpost or whatever it is near the bank, that would be our primary recruitment stand where Drachir would stand (he's old so I nay blame if he rather stand still than move around) and welcome all the new recruits. I also set out three smaller stands around the bank which became trampled pretty fast and I be damned if I didn't see a few thieves stealing me tables!

Anyhow, Vince and I started to charm the crowd around the bank and get their interest turned against us, using warm and soothing words, almost like those female deamons. One after one the crowd started to get closer to us...or maybe that was the reaction to us moving around *shrugs*


We didn't meet alot of questions though, a few picked up the fliers we spread around the bank area and on our tables. Eventually we started to get used to doing this so we went one step higher than charming, namely, standing infront of people looking at them! But nay helped much, we ended up with one possible new recruit which Drachir took care of. Overall it went on smoothly and pretty calm. Im sure we left the crowd thinking! If our shouting didn't, then I'm sure Drachirs joke which turned against himself did...


Naw I happen to be blessed with a headache! I tell you, that place smelled like fish...something. Argh, I need to lay down for a while. Rupert dismissed.


Title: Re: Watchman's Trial: Rupert Ridir
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 08, 2005, 11:57:51 pm
Bloody good effort there on the Recruitment Stand, Watchman Ridier.
And outstanding leadership and execution of the tasks set down for ye Trial, nay to meant ye Reporting skills.

Ye have earned well the respect of ye fellow guardsmen.

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship