Title: A note addressed to Rupert Ridir Post by: Vince Valentine on December 03, 2005, 09:10:22 am Vince mutters as he sits down to write
I was jus' attacked Lad! Me, a fearsome grenadier, by tha' bloody scum tha' dwells in th' swamp up th' road! i've go' a little job fer ye, me apprentice. I wan' ye te lead a patrol lad. An' if ye do it while i'm there, i'll even report it fer ye! This'll give ye a taste o' leadin' th' guardsmen te prepare ye for when yer ready te lead hunts. Show them swamp beasties tha' nayone messes wit' th' Grenadiers! *signed* Vince Valentine Regular Grenadier Title: Re: A note addressed to Rupert Ridir Post by: Rupert on December 03, 2005, 12:01:48 pm Mmhm. Aye sir! Nay one messes with a granadier without revenge. We shall remove the vermin that inhabit the swamp once and for all.
*grabs the note and sticks up onto his bow to-do list* |