Title: The Building in ilshnear - Friday 6pm GMT - 9/12 Post by: Vince Valentine on December 04, 2005, 01:45:46 pm Where Rally outside the Barracks
When Friday 9th december 6pmGMT What to bring Full Battle gear, bandages, crates Righ' Guardsmen, whilst travellin' through ilshnear, i came across a buidin' tha' seems te 'ave been abandoned. It's in a fine location, an' i be thinkin' we can use it as a base o' operations on future ilshnear missions. Before we can do this though, we must investigate it te see if it be safe enough. I nay 'ad time te check it as i passed, so we'll be marchin' on down there te give it a goo' lookin' over! *signed* Vince Valentine Regular Grenadier Title: Re: The Building in ilshnear - Friday 6pm GMT - 9/12 Post by: Vince Valentine on December 07, 2005, 09:39:00 am New date an' time folks, we could nay go th' other day due te unforeseen circumstances