Title: UO Auto-Map server Post by: Althalus on December 05, 2005, 06:55:05 pm For all people yet unaware of this fact i am running a server with UO Auto-Map on it, if you wish to connect to this server it will(except for unforseen cercumstances) be running 24/7. The login details are as follows
ip: port: 2000 password: cove please note if you do not enter the password you will log into my general uoam server and be unable to see/comunicate with anyone on the cove server Rules of use these are simple . 1: when in battle this is a great tool to alowe us to comunicate securly with our alies so no babaling when we are in battle with rival guilds. 2: no abuse .... frendly banter is fine but anyone found making personal or offensive comments will not be tolarated thats it folks Title: Re: UO Auto-Map server Post by: Delcarakdur on December 05, 2005, 07:35:21 pm Grand idea man! ;D