Title: Hunting In Ilishnar Post by: Judas on December 05, 2005, 09:24:43 pm Led by:Judas Deibeau
Militamen Taking part: Grazgorn Vince Valentine Talpa Europea Ruper Ridir Karn Kal Shadowhand Kevin Maitland(Vesper) Judas sits down in the Ruins of the barracks and begins to scribble I returned tae the notice board wher eI hud placed meh request for militamen men tae join meh on a hunt. No sooner hud I reached the board I had a solid squad of hard chargers lioned up aside it! We marched off tae the Moongate where they were Briefed and we made our ways to the lanf of Ilishnar! (http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/7821/spirit2lo.jpg) They were all rarin tae go Armed tae the teeth with the look of Strenth in thur eyes! I gave the order and we charged across the lands of ilishnar and Into the big cave! (http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/8945/spirit26qx.jpg) The men formed up nicely as they have been taught in trainin time n time again with em big lads watchin meh back! We slowly but surely marched into the unknown....As we rounded a corner we were set about by a Giant BEAST! I thoguth that would be the end of us but as usual the might of the Covian milita proved otherwise and we took em down! (http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/1826/spirit39ir.jpg) We battled on through the cave picking up all the valuble items we could lay or hands and dealin with any filthy buggers that got in our way! (http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/7444/spirit74tm.jpg) Yet again we returned to the barracks after leaving our mark on the lands of ilishnar! Lots of dead monsters *chuckles* Well fought by all whom attended! Signed Judas Deibeau Title: Re: Hunting In Ilishnar Post by: Gregor Eason on December 07, 2005, 11:45:08 pm A dark and evil place.
Good job, Junior Deibeau! And well fought all other guardsmen! Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |