Title: Report: Judas Deibau's Training Event Post by: Grazgorn on December 06, 2005, 09:42:10 pm Judas Deibau, junior guardsman, leader of the activity
Grazgorn, watchman Constantius, guardsman recruit Erik Arkay, grenadier sergeant Kevin Maitland, Cleric from Vesper Armand D'orleon, Mercenary Talpa Europea, Watchman Rocco Cesaro, Where: Despise (http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/1551/tr18ki.jpg) Line-up outside the repaired Covian barracks Judas had called every guardsman to a training, a training based on teamwork and speed, and some backstabbing. Not as many attended as desired though. Anyhow, the rules where somewhat simple, but some misunderstandings occured during the event which I will, later, explain further in this report. Anyhow, we divided ourselves into four teams with two guardsmen in each, which later on turned into three teams due to one guardsmen who didn't show up, this resulted in Armand D'Orleon working as an assassin like type that ruined the gold gathering for every team. Each team's goal was to run down in the vast caves of despise and collect as much gold as possible under a given time. However, every team could, if they wanted, attack the other team and steal their gold and add to their own pile. (http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/7321/tr25yw.jpg) Dividing the guardsmen into teams of two each I worked together with Kevin Maitland, who is a cleric from vesper, and we ran down the caves quickly and saw noone at all as we hacked and blasted everything in our path. After gathering about 2500 gold we decided to return and deliver our gold and then ruin everything for the other two teams. (http://img284.imageshack.us/img284/2535/tr38lx.jpg) Me and Kevin, blasting and hacking through the terrible creatures roaming despise During this event, even though the rules seemed to be so simple, one and another misunderstanding occured that interrupted the game. To start off with, I, Kevin and Erik Arkay fought a battle galantly but with either side budging. And then I got seperated from Kevin and was knocked down, Kevin and Erik ran outside the caves, were battle was strictly prohibited. Unfortunately neither of the two fighting knew this and continued and then got stopped by Judas. This resulted in Erik becoming very angry and left us. This left the teams unbalanced and the whole activity had to be called off. (http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/8167/tr42te.jpg) We who were left, wondered whereto Erik had gone The whole game ended in a draw and the whole training event had become a lot shorter than anyone could have expected. And as it was cancelled we all were dismissed. (http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/4895/tr52mc.jpg) Here I stand confused as everyone had left, and I didn't know where to head Bad luck with your training event Deibau and better luck next time, we enjoyed it as far as it went, I hope! *signed* Grazgorn Title: Re: Report: Judas Deibau's Training Event Post by: Gregor Eason on December 08, 2005, 12:05:45 am MINE EYES!
Those colours are damn blinding! And aye, too bad it nay worked out. That Arkay has quite a temper. But alas.. We must try! Good report, Watchman. And excellent stab at an interesting training event, Deibeau! Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |