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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Gregor Eason on December 08, 2005, 02:29:51 am

Title: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 08, 2005, 02:29:51 am
To any Covians interested, offering a small plot just a little down from the Covian gates along the coast.
Free of course, as long as you're Covian - and ye adopt the local Covian sign.

(http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/2641/smallplot0fb.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

PM me via the Boards.


Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Odenetheus on December 08, 2005, 06:13:21 am
I need it! Give it to me!

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Ben Radau on December 08, 2005, 06:18:37 am
Thatīs next to my dwarven outpost  ;D
But Odenthing as a neighbour? That wonīt have a bright future... *grumbles*

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Drachir on December 08, 2005, 08:40:29 am
Where ya moving to Eason?!

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Dellamona on December 08, 2005, 11:05:12 am
I would have liked it too :(

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Raiden Morana on December 08, 2005, 11:16:31 am
Ye not movin' in with Delc' Della?



Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Dellamona on December 08, 2005, 11:35:01 am

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Raiden Morana on December 08, 2005, 11:40:29 am

*tries to remove his earlier post*

Just joking Della. Er... Ahem.


Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Jessica Hawkins on December 08, 2005, 03:48:55 pm
Me and Khae wants it *grins*
But I feel pity for Della..

She deserves it Eason *winks*
I did make your fancy attire ;)

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Dellamona on December 08, 2005, 04:13:43 pm
Aww  :D i live in a cardboard box :'(

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Althalus on December 08, 2005, 04:26:38 pm
Cardboard!!!!!! my god your rich to afford that i live in a bush in cove ................ or the family mansion in malas :P

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Delcarakdur on December 08, 2005, 07:05:48 pm
Ye not movin' in with Delc' Della?



I might make accomodation for two persons... ;D

Title: Re: Offering Small Local Plot, Close to Cove
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 09, 2005, 12:09:05 am
If ye want it, PM me via the Boards.
Already I have one person interested.

If there's more than one person after the plot I'll roll some dice on it *Smirk*
