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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Smedly Herbwood on December 08, 2005, 09:31:08 am

Title: Auction Collection - Friday 9th December, 1730 GMT
Post by: Smedly Herbwood on December 08, 2005, 09:31:08 am
Where: The Folk Tale House, Cove
When: 5:30pm GMT, Friday 9th December 2005
What to bring: Any items you would like to enter into the upcoming auction.

This Friday I'll be startin' th'collection for th'upcoming auction.  I shall be settin' up a stall outside th'Folk Tale House, all ye have t'do if you want t'enter an item is to hand it o'er t'me with details o' what it is an' any reserve prices ye want set.  I shall then add th'items to th'other lots in a secure location like an' get it added to th'catalogue.

I 'eard Mister Valentine is leadin' an expedition to investigate a possible new outpost for ye militia folk at six o'clock, but nay worry 'bout missin' tha' 'cause th'collection will only last fifteen minutes or so.

*Signed*  Smedly Herbwood


[OOC] This will be the first of a few Auction Collections I shall be running to give people an opportunity to donate items in game (for those not aware of the auction please read the "Upcoming Auction:" thread on the In Character board). If you are donating an item with a background story, please could you submit it to me with a book containing the story.  I would love to listen to and chat about the history of the item in game with Smedly, but this would lead to me over-running into Vince's event by a couple of hours ;)

Thank you in advance to anyone that donates a piece :) [/OOC]

Title: Re: Auction Collection - Friday 9th December, 1730 GMT
Post by: Smedly Herbwood on December 09, 2005, 05:52:40 am
[OOC]  Sincere apologies but I am afraid this event will be cancelled this evening because I will be going to bed as soon as I get in from work.  I shall hold other auction collection sessions in the future, but remember if you have anything you'd like to donate then please contact me on ICQ: 44032056 :) [/OOC]

[Edit] After munching down on some Pro Plus at work I was buzzing and able to run this collection for the people that were online at the time.  Sorry for being so indecisive  :-\ [/Edit]

Title: Re: Auction Collection - Friday 9th December, 1730 GMT
Post by: Smedly Herbwood on December 09, 2005, 07:38:30 pm
Th'auction collection has gotten off to a fine start indeed.  Twas a fine afternoon for such an occasion, I 'ad barely set up me stall b'fore folk from around Cove started approachin' me wi' antiques an' family heirlooms they no longer wanted.


I made me a note o' all th'folk tha' gave me items to sell in th'auction, an' at the end o' th'session I took all o' th'lots an' stored them in a safe place ready to be added to th'catalogue an' t'go on sale a' th'time o' th'auction.


[OOC] A BIG thank you to everyone that donated items to sell in the auction, it was truly much more than I could have hoped for.  Another session or two like that and we'll have gathered more than enough items to sell in the upcoming auction and turn your unwanted items into gold.

All items collected for the auction are stored safely at my house.  When the collection is complete I will compose a catalogue of all the items (including information about history of the piece, name of seller, whether it has a reserve or not) to give people an opporunity to browse before the auction and to place commission bids. 

If you missed this auction collection, do not fret.  You are still welcome to ICQ me on 44032056 to arrange for me to pick up an item to sell on your behalf in the auction.

Thanks once again. [/OOC]