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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Smedly Herbwood on December 08, 2005, 10:55:00 am

Title: Recruitin' in th'enemy territory!
Post by: Smedly Herbwood on December 08, 2005, 10:55:00 am
After weeks o' stayin' up late sewin' t'gether th'biggest banner I e'er did see, I decided this mornin'd be th'perfect time t'set me plan into motion.  I rolled up th'massive piece o' cloth, tied it t'me packhorse an' set off t'wards Yew in th'wee hours o' the mornin' when most folk be asleep.

I arrived a' th'outside walls o' th'Yew Abbey, keepin' me eyes peeled for any o' them Yewish guard folk.  Th'coast were pretty clear, so I pulled out a grapplin' hook an' tossed it up t'wards th'roof o' th'Abbey.  After a couple o' tries I got th'bugger t'catch.


Hobbits ain't th'greatest o' climbers, bu' me packhorse gave me a helpin' hand by nuzzlin' me up th'wall a bit an' I managed to scramble meself up th'rest o' th'way without fallin' once!  I made a bit o' a racket kickin' me way up th'wall so I quickly winched up me resources from me packhorse b'fore any o' them monk folk decided t'come outside an' see wha' were goin' on.


It were a righ' nice view from up there on th'Abbey, bu' wi' the sunrisin' I 'ad t'work fast wi' me plan b'fore folk woke up.  I unpacked th'banner an' began rollin' it across th'roof o' th'Abbey.


I flattened out th'edges o' th'banner, lay down some lanterns so it could be seen from miles off an' then placed a backpack full o' recruitment posters all o'er th'floor.  Wi' me work finished I stood back an' admired the view o' th'sun risin' an' chuckled a' the thought o' all them fat Yewish guards tryin' t'climb th'roof when thems saw th'banner in th'mornin'!


I scrambled down th'same way I came up an' headed off t'Britain bank, th'busiest place in all o' Sosaria, t'provide a gate for folk t'come see th'banner an' read about our glorious town.

For Cove!!


Title: Re: Recruitin' in th'enemy territory!
Post by: Kal/Mathew on December 08, 2005, 01:32:58 pm
(Walks by and reads the boards)

A banner en Yew fer them Yewish scum ta see, A grand Idea Meh wish I woul' 'ave thought o' et meh-self. Goo' show Smedly, Ye be 'aven a 'eart o' a warrior, Keep up the goo' Ideas.

         Regular Scout; Kal Shadowhand


Title: Re: Recruitin' in th'enemy territory!
Post by: Seamus on December 09, 2005, 12:04:21 am
Great stuff mate that must have made an impact even if it just pissed off all the Yewsmen. Well done

Title: Re: Recruitin' in th'enemy territory!
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 09, 2005, 12:05:45 am

Why isn't this chap in the Light Company, eh?

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council