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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Grazgorn on December 08, 2005, 08:48:32 pm

Title: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Grazgorn on December 08, 2005, 08:48:32 pm
.. make a good template for a ninja.

I can't really figure a good template out. So if anyone that has a ninja could help me with this I'd be greatly thankful.

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Drachir on December 08, 2005, 09:50:20 pm
A good way to make a Ninja is to,

Click the big Ninja button on the Character template page!  :D

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Grazgorn on December 08, 2005, 10:08:29 pm
What "character template page"?

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Drachir on December 08, 2005, 10:35:59 pm
(http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/1554/charactertemplate9ak.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Althalus on December 08, 2005, 10:55:00 pm
only advice i can give is my template

110 fencing, 100 hiding, 100 healing, 100 anatomy, 95.1 poisoning (heading to 100) 99.7 stealth (heading to 100) 88.3 ninjitsu (heading to 110) this is with 720 total points

hope that helps :)

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on December 08, 2005, 11:07:11 pm
Having never played an assassin I'd take this:
110 fencing
80 hiding/80 stealth (100% stealth in leather)
100 anatomy
100 healing
70 poisoning (you need 70 for core and since you can't do more then Greater poison having more seems pointless)
100 ninjitsu
80 focus (some mana regen seems usefull, especially if you're going to rely heavily on specials like an assassin should...)

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Althalus on December 08, 2005, 11:30:02 pm
a few comments on the above, yes you only need 70 poisoning however you have a chance of hitting a precision strike for one lvl higher than on your plade so at 70 poisoning you have 70% chance of actually hiting deadly when you use infectious stricke which is why im gming it for 100% deadly hits

the higher stealthing and hiding the less chance of being revealed is also the higher your stealthing the more steps you can take inbetween stealth checks

focuse is great but there simply isnt room for it on my template which is why i have 100 str, 80 dex and 55 int(which gives me 75 mana) and im considering more mana less dex

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Smedly Herbwood on December 09, 2005, 05:47:28 am
I dropped 100.0 anatomy in favour of 100.0 focus on my assassin template.  I am not much of a potion chugger, so found myself easily reduced to zero stamina in a fight, so focus real useful for keeping your stamina high as well as regernerating your mana for fancy moves.

I usually rely on poison spamming to do the damage in combat, so the extra damage from anatomy is not all that important to me.  Was used to using deadly poison when i created this template, though greater poison works pretty well cos its level up to deadly strikes provided your poison skill is high enough.

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Kaelith Anar on December 09, 2005, 11:35:27 am
I like Erik's suggested template, it's quite simple and won't mean you have to rely on pots and if you make a mistake you won't pay heavily for it. If you aren't a very experienced player I'd go for that one although you could adjust it slightly to get more out of the points:

fencing 110
anatomy 100
healing 90 - healing of 90.1 is 100% succeed rate so at 90 it's reliable and you only lose about 2 heal points.

hiding/stealth 80
- you don't go anywhere too quick. I'd keep them at this though due to it being a crammed template already, you need all the points you can get!

ninjitsu 110 - Higher you can get this the better tbh, Death strike is a fantastic move!

focus 60 - you get 1 mana regen for every 20 focus, 1 stam regen for every 10. there are no in between points so only ever put it up in 20s unless you have such an uncrammed template you can afford to jump by 10 for the extra stam regen.

poisoning 70 - poisoning is instantly cured with a cure pot and everyone uses them, I wouoldn't worry too much about what level of poisoning you're doing. only lethal poison is really very worthwhile.

That all adds upto 700, any extra points i'd put in more fencing if you can afford the scroll or more ninjitsu if you can afford it. Otherwise either more poisoning or maybe 20 extra focus to help with mana and stamina. Remember, if you have ML then you have 20 tactics already along with every other skill, so no point in putting 20 random points in a skill. :)

Stats wise I'd probably go:

str 80-90
dex 90
int 55-45

That's with 225 stats, if you have more and stat scrolls are super cheap, I'd put more in Str and Dex. With 250 stats I'd probably go:

str 100
dex 100
int 50

basically, make sure you have at least 50 mana and never over 100 str (pointless really). Dex is something that isn't so vital but also very handy to have as high as you can get it. Don't sacrifice str or int for it though! That is a big mistake many people make in the hope of swinging faster.

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Althalus on December 09, 2005, 03:29:45 pm
i have to say im not a potion chuger and i do fine on my template with a few orange petals, fukiya darts and shuriken for continous poisoning even if they run (another good reason for high ninjitsu as a successfull hit is based on it) which gives me a little more mana to play with and the reason for gm in both anat and healing isint just the successfull healing(which i thought was something like 92.3 for garenteed? )  but it allso reduces the time it takes to aplie a bandage

basically you have to make your template to your style of play or you will never get along with it im quiet happy with mine and as long as i dont run out of smoke bombs, darts, shuriken, and poison on my blade i do okay same as a full dexer needs to check all his pots all the time its just a matter of play style but if your going to be an assasin then you MUST be able to kill fast otherwise there is no point because having to give up skills for stealthing etc locks you down if you just want poisoner then go fencing, parry, tacktics, healin, anat, poison, focus all at gm im sure you will do fine

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Kaelith Anar on December 09, 2005, 05:06:33 pm
Bandage time is only determined by your dexterity, not your skills. at 100 dex you get 6 second heals, for every FULL 20 dex either way you gain or lose 1 second, so that is one big advantage of high dexterity, 5 second heals at 120 dex are very nice, but you sacrifice alot to get it. :)

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Althalus on December 09, 2005, 05:31:25 pm
hmmm then how come i get 6 second heals at 80 dex?

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on December 09, 2005, 05:39:42 pm
Delay of the UOA bandage timer

120 dex is neat for some templates because you get those sweet 2 sec X-heals

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Kaelith Anar on December 09, 2005, 05:51:13 pm
Erik speaketh the truth. Healing only effects amount healed and chance of ressurection and cure. To be able to cure and res you need so much anatomy to start with though and anatomy also adds to amount healed.

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on December 16, 2005, 07:44:53 pm
A good assassin template needs healing nor anatomy as an assassination is not meant to last longer then 10 seconds. If you haven't killed your enemy by then you might as well retreat :)

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Joey Lanai on December 17, 2005, 01:17:55 am
110 Fencing
80 Hiding/80 Stealth
100 Anatomy
90 Healing
70 Poisoning
90 Ninjitsu
100 Focus

I'de do without the ninjitsu though as its complete tosh and really and go with this

110 Fencing
80 Hiding
70 Stealth
100 Anatomy
90 Healing
70 Poisoning
100 Tactics
100 Focus

Title: Re: Need some advice on how to...
Post by: Althalus on December 17, 2005, 02:13:58 pm
firstly whilst i agree a true assassination shouldn't need anat or healing i think you and arc are both missing the point ...the question was for a good ninja template not an assassin template

.. make a good template for a ninja.