Title: Sentry report Post by: Vince Valentine on December 11, 2005, 10:27:14 am Guardsmen attending
Cor'ari ta Junior Scout Kurt Junior Guardsman (leading) Marie le blanc Watchman Kas Valentine Watchman Constantius Guardsman Recruit Vince Valentine Regular Grenadier After a successful patrol te th' orc fort lead by Junior Kurt, He decided tha' a sentry was in order. We 'ave suffered many devastatin' attacks in th' past few weeks, an' security 'ad te be stepped up a notch! Junior kurt Rallyed th' guardsmen, an' we began our work. Whilst Kurt sorted ou' th' crates, th' rest o' us set te work gatherin' 'ides. Upon returnin', we discovered a poor citizen 'ad been attacked by a foul undead! We wasted nay time, an' began searchin' fer th' sod, bu' te no avail, he 'ad seemed te 'ave vanished. So we began constructin' th' sentry, as it was clearly needed! (http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/9525/s10hd.jpg) Before long, we 'ad constructed a fine sentry, One tha' could easily stand up te any intruder! Suddenly, noises were heard from inside th' barracks, an' Watchman Kas an' I were left te guard th' sentry as th' other guardsmen investigated. (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/5110/s21ps.jpg) Satisfied tha' there was nayone snoopin' aroun' th' barracks, th' other guardsmen returned, ready te strike down any beast or man 'ho wished 'arm on our fine town (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/3356/s39bx.jpg) Before long, a pirate tha' Watchman Marie seemed te recognize showed up, one she said was inte slave tradin'! Junior Kurt devised a cunning method fer apprehendin' him. He layed down three boxes, an' if 'e picked th' wrong one, 'e be knocked unconscious by small explosion. (http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/3731/s58dp.jpg) Needless te say, th' unlucky Pirate chose th' wrong box, an' we soon 'ad i'm in shackles, an' in th' cells, ready fer questionin' (http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/654/s68jo.jpg) A finely lead Sentry Junior, keep up th' good work *Signed* Vince Valentine Regular Grenadier Title: Re: Sentry report Post by: Gregor Eason on December 11, 2005, 09:22:17 pm Fine Report.
Pirates, ey? Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |