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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on December 14, 2005, 09:39:53 am

Title: Keeping out the cold Thursday 15/12/05 6pm GMT
Post by: Vince Valentine on December 14, 2005, 09:39:53 am
When                 Thursday 15th December 6pm GMT
Where                Rally at the barracks, heading to Tokuno
What to bring     Full battle gear, bandages, Light source, campfire equipment

Vince shivers as he peers out of the window, looking out at the snow covered fields of cove....

Seems like it's goin' te be a harsh winter guardsmen, before it gets any worse, i say we prepare ourselves! In th' far lands o' th' Tokuno Islands, there be ferocious Two 'eaded wolves as big as 'ouses! They be dangerous opponents, bu' their furs are as thick as they come.  Very 'andy fer th' comin' winter, i'm sure ye'll agree. We shall make our way te where they are, set up a camp nearby, an' proceed te slay an' skin 'em. Nay ferget te bring some crates folks....

                       Vince Valentine
                     Regular Grenadier