Title: Patrol : Orc Base Post by: Leloo on December 18, 2005, 12:01:26 am My self and two other militia members ,at 22:50 Gmt
James , recruit Guardsmen Leloo , recruit Guardsmen Arkey , grenadier Sergeant ,leading Arkey briefed us upon the patrol route and the tactics , ye were meant to use we then moved ontowards the orc fort by foot ,i am still wiping mud off my boots anyhow, once ye reached the fort are leader decide to let , my self and James attack the fort *shock in my boots with fear*. The battle was fought hard and Ye James and me manged to slay many a orc scum! James fought gallantly as did leloo.We manged to loot six thosand gold from are battle . We then retreated back to the barracks and were forced by are leader onto the next mission. Sorry for nay sketch's but my Quill broke *smiles* |