Title: Recruit Cadre 18/12/05 1700 GMT Post by: Kal/Mathew on December 18, 2005, 06:18:10 am Where: Barracks
When: 1700 GMT 18/12/05 What to bring: Your Battle gear and your Minds Et was brough' ta meh attention tha' thar be a few recruits tha' still need thar Recruit Cadre so them can be Promoted. Ge' orf yer lazy arses an' show up an' ge' et over wit. Atleas' at this 'ere trainen ye wan' be leaven Bruised, or mangled. *Signed* Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand (http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6990/sbanner5gv.jpg) |