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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on December 19, 2005, 05:03:06 am

Title: Watchman Radaus Training
Post by: Vince Valentine on December 19, 2005, 05:03:06 am
Guardsmen attending

Constantius                 Guardsmen recruit
James                          Guardsmen Recruit
Ben Radau                   Watchman (Leading)
Kal Shadowhand          Officer Cadet
Vince Valentine            Regular Grenadier (at the time)

as we lined up in front o' Watchman Radau, 'e began te tell us of wha' we were abou' te face. First off we'd be 'eadin' deep inte th' despise dungeon, where th' mos' fearsome of Ogres dwell! As 'e opened th' portal, th' men prepared themselves, and rushed in.

Ready for action

As we emerged, Radau pointed te a hulkin' figure jus' ahead of us on a small bridge, an' informed us tha' he was te be our firs' target


We swiftly dealt out covian death te th' 'uge sod, and proceeded te th' middle o' th' island, where we slayed countless more of 'em!

Tha' was nay th' end though folks, Oh nay, not by a long shot!
We returned to the barracks, and the Radau ordered us te enter th' portal once it was opened, and promptly disappeared! Moments later, a portal appeared an' we hopped through. We came out in a desert, an' before we 'ad time te even remove our undershirts, Radau formed us up an' 'ad us slay a bunch o' them nasty snakey warrior...errr... things!

We showed them!

Onwards again we went, transported by Raduas magic portal te a dingy little dungeon tha' turned out te be Covetous!


He told us tha' we'd be cleanin' tha' last room fer a while. Nay problem we though' 'owever, our dwarven leader nay mentioned th' 'Orrible zombie like creature that was inside! Our weapons clashed it's rotting body until it fell, fell like a freshly chopped tree! Gwahaha!!

After all tha' excitement, it was time te head 'ome, where we piled up our gold.
Over 15.000 gold coins if i'm nay much mistaken, an' all fer th' coffers too!
Nice trainin' Radau, keep up th' good work *Nods Firmly*

                   Vince Valentine
                 Regular Grenadier