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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kal/Mathew on December 19, 2005, 10:34:24 am

Title: Cadre Rollcall
Post by: Kal/Mathew on December 19, 2005, 10:34:24 am
Et was brough' ta meh atention tha' thar were a few Recruits tha' ne'er attended a Recruit Cadre. I sen' a pigeon ou' thar way requesten them ta come ta the Barracks. Nay lon' afta sendin' the Pigeons they come runen u' loike thar wa' a foire. The three attenden the Cadre are as follows.

*James: Guardsman Recruit
*Nicholi: Guardsman Recruit
*Constantius: Guardsman Recruit

I started orf by explainen the purpose o' the Recruit Cadre an' then went ta inspecten thar Kits. Them awl three 'ad a Loite source bu' nay a bed roll. Thar bandages were foine bu' I told them tha' them be needed more than fifty bandages so them woul' nay run ou' so quickly. I then proceeded ta the Basic Orders, An' ta meh surprise them new wha' them were duin for evereh order I called ou' tghem were quick ta respon'. The one tha' realleh cough' meh attention was Recruit Constantius, At toime, 'e can be a loose arrow from a missed shot from a broken Bow, 'e realleh did great en followen meh orders.

Awl an' Awl these three will do well fer the militia o' Cove.

       Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand

(OOC: Sorry about not posting Screenies Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't)
