Title: Wednesday 28/12, at 9 P.M, Nu'Jelm (Date errors, read!) Post by: Odenetheus on December 19, 2005, 10:19:58 pm The Collegium invites any and all to a festive (with our measures) at the palace of Nu'Jelm, home to the Maestro, to share in the celebrations of a successful past year, and a successful coming year. Note, however, that this is not a new year's party, but rather a reminiscence party.
Gates will be provided from Cove bank, as well as from Minoc gate, and Trinsic bridge. Bring your fine clothes and good manners, but do leave your brutish ale drinking habits at home! Food and wine will be provided, and music will be provided as well, for those who wishes to dance with their fellow people of Britannia. Signed, The Board of Monitors, Collegium Ditio Potentia Lex, Administrator Amara [OOC!] *Bump* Due to some unforseen sad happenings, which includes posting the wrong date. then having it altered, then having it altered back, the final date is 28/12. See you there! [OOC!] Title: Re: Wednesday, 28/1, at 9 P.M, Nu'Jelm Post by: Ben Radau on December 20, 2005, 06:34:49 am *walks by the board, identifies the sign and murmurs*
That damn Odenething again... it must be a trap by that traitor... *grumbles* One day I will get you, Odenething... Title: Re: Wednesday 28/12, at 9 P.M, Nu'Jelm (Date errors, read!) Post by: Gregor Eason on December 29, 2005, 05:33:05 pm (OOC: Ahhh!!!
I thought you were just planning REALLY REALLY early. I'm sorry I missed it.) |