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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kal/Mathew on December 20, 2005, 08:03:39 am

Title: Drachirs Hunt to Ice
Post by: Kal/Mathew on December 20, 2005, 08:03:39 am
As i was abou' ta make et ta meh 'ome I seen a pigeon sitten on meh Porch. I picked et u' and seen a note attached ta et's leg. I took the note an' gave the pigeon some crumbs I 'ad left over from meh lunch, and then sat nex' ta an' read the note. (Ye are needed at the Barracks at once Cadet ShadowHand, We are ta decend the depths o' Ice mountain and slay some o' the Frozen Ogers),the note read.

I gathered meh thin's an' 'eaded ta the Barracks, When I arrived thar was,

*Officer Cadet: Drachir (Leader of the Hunt)
*Grenadier Sergeant: Erik Arkay
*Regular Grenadier: Vince Valentine
*Guardsman Recruit: Leloo

I quickleh go' meh-self en loine fer em Orders from Drachir on wha' we mus' do at the Ice mountain. After Drachir gave us our instructions, 'e asked Sergeant Arkay ef we coul' use one o' 'is magic books so we nay 'ad ta wal'. The Sergeant mumbled a bit an' then put 'is book ta the groun', The book opened an' we awl went streight ta the Ice Mountain. Once thar we loind up an' Cadet Drachir gave a las' minute moral boost, then we went en full force.

On the wat ta foind the Icey Ogers we killed a few o' them ratmen an' some Giant Frost looken Spiders. T'was nay 'ard ta foind them Ogers for the closer we go' the colder et go'. We seen the firs' one an' engages et


T'was a tough Bloodie foite, Bu' us Coveians were tougher. We dropped the bloodie bloke loike Drachir drops 'is trousers fer em lasses, an' loike Sergent Arkay drops them pies down ta 'is belleh. We engaged the nex' one tha' came up and loike the firs' one 'e fell ta us Coveians.


After a while Cadet Drachir ordered us ta 'ead back, Loike 'e loikes 'is women, Short an' sweet. We then met u' ou' soide an' was ordered ta loine u' with Proper Perade Gear


An' once again 'e asked Sergeant Arkay ef we coul' use 'is magic book once more ta ge' us back ta Cove. We awl arrived back at the Barracks an' loined up an' placed awl out coins we collected on the groun'.


Cadet thanked ua fer a 'unt, 'e the CALLED OUT (In the name o' the Militia).


The Officer Cadet Dissmissed us fer the res' o' the evenin'


     Officer Cadet: Kal ShadowHand


Title: Re: Drachirs Hunt to Ice
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 20, 2005, 05:38:02 pm
Good stuff! A hunt for the Veterans, eh eh?

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council

Title: Re: Drachirs Hunt to Ice
Post by: Leloo on December 20, 2005, 10:52:44 pm
Veterans i was there ye calling me a vetran now er er?