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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on December 21, 2005, 12:37:40 am

Title: The Library of doom! Wed 21/12/05 6.30pm GMT
Post by: Vince Valentine on December 21, 2005, 12:37:40 am
When               Wednesday 21st December 6.30pm GMT
Where              Rally at the barracks
What to bring   Full battle gear, bandages, torches

We're off to Valor Guardsmen! There be a nice buildin' there, situated on th' riverside, surrounded by th' forest. Sounds nice eh? Kind o' place te take th' missus on holiday eh? Think again! This buildin' 'as been overrun with all sorts o' hideous  buggers. Seein' as 'ow it used te be a school of th' arcane, there be pile's o' magical books lyin' around jus' waitin' te be abused by these nasty creatures!
It's our duty te see tha' this does nay 'appen! We'll march te this Library, deal wit' th' scum, an' destroy wha's left o' these magical writin's. Th' path be treacherous, bu' we shall succed!

                   Vince Valentine
                    Officer Cadet