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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on December 21, 2005, 09:30:08 pm

Title: The burning of the Books
Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on December 21, 2005, 09:30:08 pm


Vince Valentine, Officer Cadet

Attending Guardsmen:

Thomas Sendrich, Watchman
Kal Shadowhand, Officer Cadet
Bayne, Guardsman Recruit
Anari, Junior Guardsman


Em aim was teh burn em wytchery books in em citadel place loike.

The Report:

Vince star'ed orf by givin' us a talk on wha' we were goin' ter beh doin' on t' 'unt... then 'e ordered a forced march ter ems Wytchey portal thin'. Once weh go' there 'e told us ter go through teh Valor in Ilshenar.

Arriving in Valor...

Once we arrived we began to run orf on some rou'e only Vince seemed ter know... an' we ran... an' ran.. an' ran... an' ran... an'... well yer ge' ter picture. We ran through fores's inter jungle an' back inter fores'...



Jus' as I was considerin' ter stop for a quick ale we arrived a' a small village of brigands an' odd mage fellah's... We's knew tha' we 'ad ter burn some wytchey books so we attacked teh village in search of ems... Soon we searched t' whole place bu' ter nay avail... once we were sure t' place was secured weh left.

Secured !!!

Then we found a singed map on em way with a drawin' of a strange citadel loike place, I made a fresh copeh of t' map fer em report.

The map...

We followed ems route an' soon arrived a' a spookeh lookin' buildin'. Before weh entered Vince gave us a quick talk an' told us ter stick close an' 'eal fas'. Once 'e 'ad finished we entered t' Citadel, nervous bu' still readeh ter bash anythin' in our way !

Entering the Citadel...

Firs' we wandered aroond nay knowin' which way teh go... then we's found our way inter a room full of all types of elemen'al creatures... watery ones, firey ones an' poisony ones aswell... we fough' bravely an' all of ems died by our 'ands.

Entering the Elemental room...

After tha' we ventured further inter a room wi' 'undreds of differen' types o' monsters... a' t' back we no'iced a stack of books an' weh instinctiveleh knew t'was them... Bu' standin' in our way was ems monster, we 'ad teh foight our way through !!

The battle between good and evil...

The figh' lasted a long toime an' i' was a close thin' , I personally nearly fell twice, bu' thanks ter meh fellow guardsmen's perfec' 'ealin' I stayed standin'... we fough' fearlessly an' we prevailed!

The slaughtered beasts...

Finally t' books were in sigh' Vince rummaged in a pack fer a while, he then produced a thick orange potion tha' caugh' t' torch ligh' from teh citadel... a powerful grin spread across his face as he hurled the potion at the book cases, everyone 'elp their breath as the potioned shattered over the wood, suddenly there was a spark an' the whole thin' became an uncontrollable blaze... everyone took a step back as teh hea' exploded ou'wards... then as teh flames licked over ems wytchery books a second mental explosion sho' oot of em bookcase an' mentally shook us... we suddenly all had powerful grins apon our faces... then somethin' clicked inside meh 'ead an' I onleh jus' threw meh shiel' up in toime teh protec' meh self from a Gargoyles fist... Everyone else snapped oot of their trances a' the noise an' weh retreated from teh citadel... shivering...

We returned ter em Barracks, ela'ed, an' weh spli' teh gold, two thousand gold coins each an' teh res' of teh gold wen' ter em Covian Coffers... Teh hun' was fantastic... bu' fer all teh wrong reasons...

Anari shakily signs the partchment

Anari, Junior Guardsman
Covian Millitia

Title: Re: The burning of the Books
Post by: Drachir on December 21, 2005, 09:39:51 pm
An excellent report, Junior. Reports like this should be from everyone! Good show Vince on your hunt also.

Drachir, Officer Cadet
             Cove Militia

Title: Re: The burning of the Books
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 22, 2005, 12:11:46 am
Superb report! Nothing like blowing up books, eh eh?

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council