Title: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Jema on February 04, 2005, 10:50:45 am The holy purity check
It is the holy duty of the church to safeguard the minds of its followers. Magic users tap into powers that can be used for evil, the same powers that created mistakes as Drow, Undead and Orcs. Therefor the Church will hold regular checks of it's magic using followers! IF You are a spellcasters, hedge mage or spiritspeaker do not hide it! The church WILL find you! Instead report this and we will HELP you. Sign below if you are a spellcaster, hedge mage or spiritspeaker! And stay pure of mind. (http://tecfa.unige.ch/tecfa/teaching/UVLibre/9900/bin75/Inquisition.JPG) Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Althalus on February 04, 2005, 10:57:45 am does this applie to me too? i have the ability to turn into varius animals father
Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Khaelieth on February 04, 2005, 03:18:50 pm *Looks at the note and raises his eyebrows in suspicion. Walks away mumbling something about help from the church involves a lot of fire*
Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Cyril on February 04, 2005, 03:49:36 pm *looks at the note, and laughs mockingly*
Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Cyril on February 04, 2005, 03:54:45 pm Do you not know the same magic that you seem to want to limit also created such creatures as Unicorns, Fairies and Wisps. All of these creatures are not only highly magical, But extremely good!
So perhaps you should Widen your minds and Expand your thoughts on perhaps embracing magic, and not putting it to the side and shunning it as the tool of an Evil mind. After all, Are brigands and murderers not well known for using normal Weapons as well as magic? Signed, Cyril Hendrake Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Hrothgar on February 04, 2005, 04:26:49 pm Do not mock the Church, Lord Hendrake, the Church summones its spell casting followers to us so we can prevent them from using it for evil and direct them in the way of the Avatar.
We have no intentions of burning anyone for the use of magic and such assumptions shall be taken as insolence to the Church. As a noble of Cove, i expect more decency from you Cyril... Signed- Conrad Von Richter, Bishop of Cove Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Locke DaOrt on February 04, 2005, 04:43:43 pm /occ
That include locke?...he has chivalry but RP wise it aint magic...it is just cause he badass...an besides he only uses it v mobs Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Julius Estory on February 04, 2005, 05:55:14 pm *The following seems written with a shaking hand*
Well i am both a spellcaster and spiritspeaker sir... Lord... Erh Father! But can i please remind that i have slayed a lich... that must mean i am good right? I mean... bad persons would work with it and nay slay it right? I mean... *The writing stops* *Signed* Julius Estory Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Cyril on February 04, 2005, 07:35:46 pm i have not mocked the Church. I put forward a view that it seems the church has not shared since its founding, a perfectly valid answer to all mages being put upon because they may be 'evil' in the use of their powers.
I merely point out that While you focus on a class of person that has as much chance to use their powers for evil as many other classes of people... For yes, i have seen an Evil Paladin stalk the streets of Trinsic... you seem to forget that All men are capable of great evil, regardless of where their strengths may lie. To me it seems a little like you focus your attentions unneccisarily. Title: Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ. Post by: Kiani on February 05, 2005, 01:34:01 pm *looks at the note and winches*
*Says quietly* Better Hide... |