Title: Nay insult the light company when there's three of them and only one of you. Post by: Samuel West on December 23, 2005, 10:08:02 pm *Mutters*
I learned the eror of me ways... geep me mouth shu'. After a duel with junior Eben Roicher, Eben havin' hidden an' the duel been called off... i accidently le' slip an insult on about the light company.... Whilts surrounded by Officer cadet Drachir, Sergeant Valiro an' Officer Cadet Kal shadowhand... After bein' chaced by them i was taken ta the College where Valiro gave me a lesson on the uses of the Light company. He told me abou' the attack on the kaldor line... an' how the ligh' company safed cove... An' he said somethin' abou' Humanoids bu' i don' remember 'cause i lost interest by then... Title: Re: Nay insult the light company when there's three of them and only one of you. Post by: Tweeso Pebble on December 23, 2005, 10:10:39 pm Tha'll do for this time. But better reports next time.
*Signed* Scout Sergeant Valiro Gryphonclaw |