Title: Captains Journal Post by: Hrothgar on February 04, 2005, 05:07:26 pm Captains Journal
3rd February- I have regained my former status within the militia and am now the highest ranking officer, i feel honored. Ofcourse Gregor Eason made the militia what it is today, and most people are going to expect me to be just like Eason was, but the fact is i aint Eason. People seem to do nothing else but compare me to Eason, i am Hrothgar the feared and respected by some, liked by none. I aint in Cove to make friends, i am here to lead the militia to a prosperous future and victorious battles, people need to realise that. Earlier this eve i lead a large army of Guardsmen to Stonekeep, the guardsmen militias headquarters. I was planning only to bring a few escorts to serve as my bodyguards as i was merely hoping to get a meeting with one of the Stonekeep sergeants, but instead Sergeant Klion that foolish imbecile met up with me with a small squad of his own guards. He refused to let us into Stonekeep and i saw straight away that this would all end in bloodshed. I reasoned with him for a short while but he seemed too hard headed to listen to any of my words, thus my predictions had come true, the meeting ended up in battle, fortunately a battle won in Coves favour. Twice have we now crushed those pitchfork armed farmers, and yet they seem to have the courage of lions, i respect that. I sent a letter to the Stonekeep Command in hopes of summoning them to Cove tonight, hopefully they shall arrive and there will not be need for a third invasion onto Stonekeep. Signed- Hrothgar, Captain of Cove. Title: Re: Captains Journal Post by: Hrothgar on February 05, 2005, 08:12:32 pm Journal Log,
4th February. I observed Corporal Althalus hold his Apprentice Tryouts, only two recruits showed their faces, yet t'was an interesting oberservation. The tryouts were disturbed by that foolish imbecile Locke, how dares he show his face in my Barracks, i have plotted for days now how i should extract my revenge upon his stubborn heart. Every single time i see his daughter, Mela... I wish to drag her to the dungeon and do horrible things to that sweet face of hers, so great is my hatred for Locke. But i am not a monster, i do not wish to become one, i shall have to get that fool some other way. We shall see... Signed- Hrothgar, Captain of Cove. |