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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kal/Mathew on December 27, 2005, 05:53:23 am

Title: Anari's Hunt to Wrong
Post by: Kal/Mathew on December 27, 2005, 05:53:23 am
After making our patroll we had a few more Guardsman show up so a Hunt was called forth to make the day even better. Anari quickly told us to line up and then flipped through some pages in his funny looking book, (Wrong) is our destenation he spluttered out almost spraying everyone with drool. After we all were ready Watchman Ben was once again asked to open another one of the Blue things and dropped us in the middle of no where. The Sergeant and Corporal fell in one of the sparkly fiels and could not return the way they went, We then made our way to the entrance where a few moments later the Sergeant and the Corporal came up.

We gathered our sences and headed back in to play with what ever lerked inside. We came upon some wierd humanoid looking creatures that was no human nor deamon, they were both in one. We also ran into some Giant metal things that made a funny loud noise when they walked. Under the force of the Coveian Guards they fell quite easily. We then moved on deeper and soon came to a room with these floating metal things that had what looked like stingers hanging of the bottems, They to fell, But not a easily as the Metal Giants. The room we entered had verious traps in it, Just about every step we made was like shooting an arrow streight up in the air and just standing there waiting to see where it would lane.

Several of us was not that lucky for we set off, Blade Traps, And Poison Traps which both was not anything to take lightly. Soon we made our way back to the entrance where we then headed back to the Barracks by the Blue whytchy thing Watchman was asked to make. We lined up when we got to the Barracks, then placed all the gold that was collectedon the ground. The gold was divied up and then we were dissmissed by Junior Anari.
                            Attended By
*Anari: Junmior Guardsman Leader
*Erik Arkay: Grenadier Sergeant
*Joey Lanai: Corporal
*Hoagie: Junior Guardsman
*Thomas Sendrich:Watchman
*Ben Radau: Watchman
*Tina: Guardsman Recruit
*Belaldar Delarzo: Guardsman Recruit

(OOC: I am triint to get rid of a Virus that keeps shutting down certain programs I run)

       Belaldar Delarzo: Guardsman Recruit
