Title: Hunt to Cove mines and some outpost i forgot the name of! Post by: Mela Arkay on December 28, 2005, 05:54:43 pm After those stinky Yewians attacked and fell Erik Arkay had us line up outside the barracks and decided we would go and check on one of the outposts (i've forgotton the name though). The journey there wasn't too bad i think the worst we encountered was an ogre or troll. When we arrived at the outpost we looked around, it was all clear so Erik lined us up again and decided that
"We would go check the mines to make sure no buggers were stealing our ore!" When we got there we had a fierce battle with a bunch of brigands but they soon fell and also a battle with a harpy. And on entering the mines Joey bravely slew an evil chicken who was after our ore! We then ventured to the blocked off mine and Erik showed us to a gold spot where a few (no names mentioned) greedly tried to scrape up all the gold alright i will mention a name Joey did aswell and hurt his hand so i bandage it up and got teased by Erik (bah just jealous i say!). Those whom came: Darath Mithar Joey Lanai Erik Arkay Hoagie Armand D'Orleon (may have missed someone off) (http://img418.imageshack.us/img418/4912/boc26oe.jpg) *Signed* Valentina Fletcher (OOC: Yes i realise this report was horribly bad but nm i tried:P ) Title: Re: Hunt to Cove mines and some outpost i forgot the name of! Post by: Gregor Eason on December 29, 2005, 05:21:10 pm T'is important we maintain the upkeep of our Caves.
Good job! Although I am somewhat curious in regards to this attempt to "scrape up all the gold"... Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |