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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Dias Redd on December 31, 2005, 02:19:46 am

Title: Special Operations in trinsic
Post by: Dias Redd on December 31, 2005, 02:19:46 am
Leader: Erik Arkay

Soldeirs Present:Tina, Guardsman Recruit
Hoagie, Junior Guardsman
Rupert Ridir, Junior Grenadier
Jenifer Feather, Junior Scout
Dias Redd, Guardsman recruit
Vince, guardsman recruit

It was late into the evening when I awoke from a late nap. I saw Hoagie and Erik return with some scracthes and bruises, and they explained how they had just returned from a fight with Yewsmen in Yew. After a bit of idle chat, some more soldiers arrived to the barracks, and Erik ordered everyone to line up oustide the barracks. He than explained the situation and what we were to do, he wanted us to go on a secret operation into the heart of enemy territory; Trinsic. We were to tiptoe in, and interrogate any man we saw come by in order to locate a man named Cain Bishop. We were also to take any women we wanted in the city. So we headed off, with Erik in the lead. It took us about a half hour to finally get to the gates of the city from the moongate, as Erik hadnt the slightest clue where he was leading us.

(http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/4421/84cz.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

We finally arrived at the walls of the city, and decided to start checking the buildings. The first building we entered was deserted, but filled with books and a chess board. There was a debate over a nice carpet for a few minutes, and Erik finally decided we should burn it and move on.

(http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/6510/86wl.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

Erike ordered us to hug the walls from there on out, in order to not be seen by anyone. After a few minutes of this, we came across a guard who somehow spotted us. We tried to lie flat on the ground in order not to be seen, but the guard ran off. We moved forward and came across a bridge, and we decided to climb to the top and wait for people to pass underneath. A group of guardsman showed up eventually, and ordered us to come down.

(http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/9762/87yl.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

The guards ordered us to drop our weapons, but we of course refused and demanded they drop theirs, as all we wanted was to ask them some questions about Cain. After a short standoff, the guards decided to strike us and we had no choice but to knock them all down.

(http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/2365/82lo.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

The guards seemed badly injured, and one was knocked unconcious, so we picked them all up and dragged them over to a large building in the middle of town in order to ask them some questions. We interrogated the prisoners for several minutes, but deciding they knew nothing of importance, we tied them all up and thre them in the back of the room.

(http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/3075/81nf.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

We heard a report from Vince that a large force of yewsmen had arrived at the front gates of the city, so Erik decided we should sneak out the back. We finally came to the back entrance when two Yewsmen carrying an unconcious girl walked into the town. they demanded to know where the healer was, and deciding not to deal with the Yewsmen Erik told them where to go and we walked out. Before leaving, Erik ordered us to lift our kilts and piss in the trinsic waters, as it was a tradition apparently. We managed to escape the wretched city with our lives, so the mission was somewhat successful, although we didnt find any further information on the whereabouts of Cain.

(http://img490.imageshack.us/img490/8872/87pa.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)


Dias Redd,
Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: Special Operations in trinsic
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on December 31, 2005, 09:13:28 am
Wha'? No clue?!? Hogwash! I knew exactly where I was goin'! I er....I was...errr....I was simply takin' the safest route into Trinsic! That's it...The Safest route!

And to this day I cannot understand how those Trinsic guards kept findin' us. I mean, ye were all followin' the greatest sneak in the world....ME! It baffles me!

Title: Re: Special Operations in trinsic
Post by: Gregor Eason on December 31, 2005, 11:19:32 am
Ye showed them Trinsic folk good!

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council