Title: Sentry At Cove Barrocks Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on December 31, 2005, 07:59:47 pm Lead by:
Thomas Sendrich-Juniuor Guardsman Attending: Nicholi-Guardsman Recruit Seamus-Guardsman Recruit Kurt-Junior Guardsman Thomas thought it would be a smart idea to build a Sentry outside the barrocks, I suppose 'is mother always told him "Better saf' then sorreh." (http://img368.imageshack.us/img368/4827/sssentry15vf.jpg) For a while nothing seemed to happen, Untill a troll attacked us, we slew it easily and refortified the Sentry. (http://img439.imageshack.us/img439/9681/sssentry23xo.jpg) All in all, things seemed to go pretty well. The Sentry held strong and no one fell. *Signed* Nicholi Ravnthorn Guardsman Recruit Title: Re: Sentry At Cove Barrocks Post by: Samuel West on December 31, 2005, 08:42:31 pm Well done, nice repor'.
Ye'll be a watchman in no time. *Smiles* Title: Re: Sentry At Cove Barrocks Post by: Vince Valentine on January 01, 2006, 02:16:35 am Yarr! grand report, keep it up me apprentice, Ye'll be a watchman in nay time!