Title: Hunt to Ice Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on December 31, 2005, 09:28:40 pm Lead by:
Anari-Junior Guardsman Attending: Thomas Sendrich-Junior Guardsman Nicholi-Guardsman Recurit Anari led a little hunt to the dungon Ice, We all got there and started off pretty good, we slew many and had a grand old time. (http://img486.imageshack.us/img486/1079/ssice15wf.jpg) We got to the Artic Orc lords and things started to get a little rough, I fell twice and Anari fell once. Luckily there was a nice lassie there to give us a hand. (http://img437.imageshack.us/img437/2126/ssice24vz.jpg) At the end we collected a respectable 3744 gold crowns all to be deposited into the Coffers. (http://img437.imageshack.us/img437/6841/ssice30wl.jpg) *Signed* Nicholi ravnthorn Guardsman Recruit |