Title: Patrol to the Graveyard. Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on January 02, 2006, 03:37:12 pm PATROL TO COVE GRAVEYARD[/u]
Led by: Anari, Junior Guardsman Attending Guardsmen: Conner Roberts, Guardsman Recruit Kell Board, Guardsman Recruit Kurt, Junior Guardsman Kiran, Guardsman Recruit THE REPORT[/u] Once ah few people 'ad arrived weh marched through teh Cove shire 'eadin' fer em Graveyard. T'was a sunneh day an' ah was nay worried aboot wha' we were goin' teh foight, ah was interested teh see 'ow good teh new recruits were... As soon as weh arrived we were amnushed by a huge crowd of teh undead, their rotting flesh on their hands scrapin' across are faces causin' vicous wounds, 'owever, weh faugh' back loike teh strong Covians we are, then, oot of teh misteh gloom glided a 'orrific soight, a Lich. We were all frozen by some magic... bu' I fel' a power within meh... I managed a cry... "ENGAGE!" Suddenleh everyone 'ad control of their bodies again an' valian'ly charged a' teh beas', swords sped through teh are, arrows peiced i's flesh an' axes removed limbs, and finalleh meh staff slammed down on ets head, there was a savage Crack an' teh beast fell... (http://img345.imageshack.us/img345/2826/patrol00027gj.jpg) Anari laughing in triamph after the battle... Afteh tha' weh became braver, a second, weaker, force attacked us, bearin' crude axes an' blun' weaponry, we easileh bea' them back onleh sufferin' a few cuts an' bruises, our weapons crushed teh ribcages of teh skeletons... disembowled teh rottin' zombies an' cas' 'oly loight on em spirits... causin' them teh beh sen' teh burn fer all eternity.. Ah stood there an' laughed an' said... "T'is too easeh!" (http://img491.imageshack.us/img491/4725/patrol00032la.jpg) Too easy... Then, jus' as weh were aboo' teh leave somethin' stood in our way, another lich, an' a horde of beas's an' savage creatures of teh beyond... Ah shooted a few commands... "FORM!!" "ENGAGE!!" An' meh brave band of warriors charged inter teh pi' of eneternal sorrow once more, weh cu' a path through teh undead an' made our way teh em Lich, commander of teh undead, lord of sorrow... an' weh slew et... As soon as teh udead saw their master was nay more, they fled... "Grand work, Forced march ter em barracks..." Ah took everyone back ter em Barracks an' told em tha' I couldn' 'ave asked fer a braver, stronger and more feirce group of men... Ah was proud teh lead these warriors, ah told them tha'... Signed: Anari, Junior Guardsman Covian Millitia... |