Title: Sentry at the Gates of Cove Post by: Jenifer Feather on January 02, 2006, 07:36:59 pm Sentry at the Gates of Cove: 17:40 - 18:40
Led By: Jenifer Feather, Junior Scout Present: Anari, Junior Kas Valentine, Junior (Gate Logger) Cor Ari Ta, Junior Scout Hoagie, Junior Thomas Sendrich, Junior Kurt, Junior A recruit.. (Forget th' Name please sign under 'ere) We were also joined by Ron O'sullivan or the Britania Guards. An' Joey was there before "buissness came up" (http://img302.imageshack.us/img302/8944/sentry55kr.jpg) The Sentry in all it's Glory Startin' out was jus' me Hoagie an' Anarit, with the promise of Cori joinin' 'em later, oi briefed th' men on what we were ter be doing an' Anari got very into it claimin' e' would "Bash them Deadies" all words with no show tha' was. Although 'e did come up with the design fer the structure we created, more brains in there than i though. (http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/2316/sentry19gp.jpg) The briefing.. We arrived at Cove Gates an' the Sentry began to take shape, building was tough in the freezing grass bu' we all pulled together to build a sound structure, except Hoagie, who jus' tested the stool because a strong stool is a very important part of any sentry. An' Before we 'ad even finished buildin' the sentry, sure enough a deadie appeared an' started harassin' us.. (http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/1160/sentry27xk.jpg) The Sentry gets built.. (http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/7689/sentry37hz.jpg) The deadie attempts to distupt the work.. After tha' things became quiet again, people came an' went, Joey came an' left on important business.. A few nobles wandered through, nothing major until a strange whytchy woman came through causing trouble with her spells an' such, shortly after a GIANT DEMON appeared claimin' e' wasn't a witch, was dealt with in the true Covian way.. (http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/4609/sentry40kv.jpg) The Demon is sent away.. Cove style... After tha' nothin' much 'appened Cove was once again safe, with the deadies gone, the demons vanquished it was time ter return ter the barracks ter get some well earned rest before the oncoming battle. (http://img448.imageshack.us/img448/7499/sentry61kz.jpg) A Copy o' th' Gate Log...All in all a success full sentry, an' Good Work to all tha' attended! Signed: Jenifer Feather Title: Re: Sentry at the Gates of Cove Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on January 03, 2006, 05:37:12 pm Yah ! T'was a good senteh eh? Ah made et ah did... *Anari Nods Furiously*
Anari, Junior Guardsman Covian Millitia... |