Title: Militia Training Report Post by: Raiden Morana on January 02, 2006, 10:07:36 pm Attended by:
Raiden Morana, Regular Grenadier. (leading) Kal Shadowhand, Officer Cadet Drachir, Officer Cadet Kurt, Junior Guardsman Anari, Junior Guardsman Gord Blackwell, Junior Guardsman Leloo, Guardsman Recruit Nicholi, Guardsman Recruit Jevonia, Guardsman Recruit I started the men off with a few laps of the arena and some push ups to get 'em warmed up. Next I checked there kit which by and large was in order. One or two of the lads were fightin' over a bedroll and Officer Cadet Drachir had to unexpectadly leave the arena for a few minutes before he could display his kit in full. *grins* All the men knew their battle orders but they were a little sluggish, too much time in the tavern me thinks but I whipped 'em intay shape. *grins* The men were then split into two teams, attackers and defenders. The defenders had to concentrate on healin' and the attackers on calling targets and knockin' 'em. (http://img282.imageshack.us/img282/8021/uo00178wj.jpg) The men did well with some excellent teamwork on display. Finally we finished off with a last man standing, which was won by yours truly! Har!!! (http://img282.imageshack.us/img282/117/uo00197ga.jpg) For The Grenadiers!!! *beats chest* *signed* Raiden Morana, Regular Grenadier. |